How To Monetize Facebook (A $10,000/Month Guide)

how to monetize facebook

In this article, as you read in the title of this post I’ll be showing you 10+ exact things you can do right now to monetize your Facebook account till the point where you’re making a steady $10,000 on a monthly basis…

but before I get right into explaining what these 10 things you can use to make up to $10,000/month from Facebook, I’d like to do a quick intro,

So, my name is Daniel Umeh and I have been in the make money online space for about 4 years now, making money and teaching other people how they too can make money and,

VERY IMPORTANT: I’d like to mention that if you can read this post till the very end I will, let you in on two very special things, first, is a link through which you can join my email list of over a 100,000+ people who get updates from me straight to their email inbox on the latest make money online methods,

and apart from that, I’ll still let you in on my full training where I teach students how I make a steady $40,000 on a monthly basis, you can see a picture of my dashboard with over $40,000 in it…

with all that said, just make sure you stick with me on the post to get access to those, and now let’s get right into talking about monetizing Facebook…

so, there are over two billion active Facebook users monthly, and there are roughly 1.37 billion people who use the social network actively every day.

This is why it should not shock you that businesses and people are trying to earn money from this social media platform. With its broad prospective audience, it all makes perfect sense.

Before you rush to your Facebook profile to do anything to make money, you must be aware that it is not so easy making money on Facebook. It is challenging due to the enormous size of the platform.

Thus, you will need to stand out from the overwhelming crowd. Another reason why it is quite tricky is that the platform only showcases a selection of posts in a user’s feed.

If you never knew, whenever you open your Facebook feed, the Facebook algorithm passes through four steps to decide on the posts it will show to you.

Even with all this, we are here to let you know that there are ways that you can earn a lot from the platform. One thing to note about Facebook is that it is majorly a social network.

This means that it is an online place where people simply hang out, share things of similar interest, and practically socialize.

For those interested in making money off Facebook monthly and want to stand out from the crowd, you will need to make sure you can build your support base to the point that you can be considered an influencer.

Interestingly, there are lots of ways available to make money via this platform. All you need to do at the moment is to sit back, relax and peruse through this article to gain insights on making $10000 monthly.

Ways To Monetize Facebook

The 10 ways you can use to monetize Facebook and make lots of cash every single month include:

1. Making use of Adsense to monetize Facebook

picture of using google adsense to monetize on facebook

If you never knew, this is a method people use to make money off the platform. For those unaware, Adsense is regarded as Google’s website monetization platform through which you can display your ads on a website.

It must be noted that Adsense has specific approval criteria; however, once you are qualified, you can make cool cash from any website simply by driving paid traffic to the site.

You will need an Adsense-approved website that can earn you extra cash whenever your users click on the ads placed on your site. Technically, you will be driving traffic from Facebook to the site.

And, whenever people click on the ad, you get to make your money. Most times, this sort of business is referred to ad Arbitrage. It involves paying to acquire the user, and you get a profit after the users finish the action of clicking on the advert.

Note that this format works typically with entertainment or the media kind of sites and people are more susceptible to click on these types of articles, and your posts may likely get a good number of shares.

This will further result in some form of organic traffic that will boost your AdSense revenue. You must bear in mind that Google can ban your Adsense account if you are caught placing excessive ads on the site.

Therefore, you will need to be cautious. Furthermore, websites that have lots of ads are not approved by Facebook in some rare cases.

This will lead to Facebook disabling your Advertiser Account based on policy violation. We simply mean that the Facebook platform does not like it when people navigate away from the platform to make cash.

So, they will prefer to ban the advertiser trying to play games with the system than the people doing it.

Nevertheless, you do not need to be afraid at this point, as you can still earn cash by using Adsense to monetize Facebook. You just need to create unique content that will get you clicks and shares on social media platforms.

More so, you can earn money on Adsense through monetizing Facebook by getting a website Adsense approved. Then, you will need to begin writing interesting yet unique content on the site.

You are to promote the articles via paid ads on Facebook, then check on the Adsense earning and optimize Facebook campaigns. You are to keep on doing this, and in no time, you will begin earning.

While this is not so easy to do, its difficulty level is relatively moderate, and you can even earn more than $10000 in a month doing this.

2. Starting Facebook groups to make money from them immediately, they grow.

picture of using facebook groups to make money

Since Facebook continuously keeps raising the prices for fan pages created to get exposure, you can tap into the audience and make cool cash by creating Facebook groups.

Interestingly, you will not need to buy ads. When it comes to Facebook groups, you do not simply create a group and sit idly expecting members to add themselves to your group magically.

However, growing your group is not necessarily problematic, and you do not need enormous numbers before you can profit from it.

It will interest you to note that a small group of just a few hundred active members can outperform huge groups with thousands. When you add targeted members to your group, your fan base will keep increasing.

As more people join, they will be adding to the conversation, and it will help with your engagement.

As you grow the group, you will be feeding the pipeline, adding to the networking, and assisting in attracting more users to your group.

Furthermore, you will need to promote your group. This is easy as it entails posting on social media platforms and letting people know about the group.

You can go further by creating updates and tweets on Twitter, Instagram, and even LinkedIn.

When you create a post that you have a Facebook group and highlight some of the benefits, you will attract interested viewers into your community.

A trick to let you in on is to use tools like Post Planner when growing your Facebook group. You are to set up repeating tweets and posts to invite more people to your little community.

These tweets and posts should go out once a week or twice a month.
All we have been trying to let you do is grow your Facebook group.

Understand that the primary key here is not to sell at the moment but to grow the group and engage content.

Now that you know how to grow your Facebook group, you can now learn how to indirectly or directly earn money from the group. Some ways you can make money after growing your group include:

Here, your blog posts will include a CTA, Call to action. The CTA is regarded as an enticement for readers to take further action, such as joining your email list, requesting a quote, or even buying a product.

When CTA is included in your blog posts, it will increase your chances of making sales or growing the email list whenever you promote your posts.

– Promoting your lead magnets.

A fantastic way for people to join your email list is to create fabulous yet free lead magnets like guides, checklists, ebooks, and all.

You are to regularly promote all of these offers in your Facebook group as a means of helping members.

Also, the list will most likely be the number one way to get new prospective clients, customers, and finally, sales.

– Build a paid membership group.

Understand that the paid membership groups or the continuity programs can be a fantastic way to provide one-on-one support to your clients or customers.

It does not matter if your Facebook group is part of a package like a bonus support system for clients or just a standalone product; you must note that these groups are a more accessible yet effective way to offer support.

Importantly, you can be a trusted expert as the administrator of the group. As you continue sharing information, answering their questions, and helping members with issues, they will begin trusting and respecting you.

In no time, when you advertise your service or book, they will be more than willing to patronize you.

3. Post viral Facebook videos and make money from the Facebook monetization program.

facebook video money

For those with Facebook pages that are eligible for Facebook ad breaks, we will be providing you with how you can begin monetizing videos that are a minimum of three minutes long.

Understand that you can easily set up and manage Facebook ad breaks through Facebook creator studio. Begin by selecting the eligible page you will love to monetize.

When you do this, click the monetization tab positioned in the left navigation.

And cautiously review and accept the terms and conditions of monetization. The next step is to select your forms of getting earnings and pick a payment account.

Note that you can enable the automatic placement of ads in videos published within the last thirty days.

For those who may opt for the page-level monetization option, each video you put out there on Facebook will immediately go through a content review process.

The review will begin the minute your video gets published.

Also, you may likely earn limited revenue from it even while the video is in the review phase. Bear in mind that it is not all the three-minute videos that will qualify for monetization.

This is why you must carefully read the Facebook content monetization policies and include them in your video strategy.

When you want to begin making videos, you should start with a clear-cut definition of your niche as well as the persona of your audience.

You should consider ways you can impact people, evoke their feelings and resolve issues with your content.

While you are to include a CTA, call to action, you should be cautious of engagement baits like incentivizing people to share, like, or click your post.

Also, you are to avoid videos that have static images, slide with text overlay, or even looping clips.

You should create videos that can capture motion, live interaction, or screen shares. One thing you must know about Facebook is that they protect the copyright of creators.

Facebook does not enable monetization on shared ideas or videos repurposed from all other sources, such as the ones downloaded from YouTube.

This is why you must create original content that aligns with your audience and their primary issues.

In a bid to earn cash through this method, you can monetize your videos with ads. You can earn money through running in-stream ads in the video content.

It works best for those who are fond of posting long videos on their profile.
Interestingly, Facebook will find a way to automatically seek chances to place an ad before, during, or even after your video.

Or, you can always choose your placement. Facebook will determine your earnings. And, this will be done based on the number of video views the ad receives and the advertiser’s identity.

You can also earn some money from streaming with Facebook live video.
Here, viewers will be able to purchase stars and send them to you in a show of support.

You will be getting paid one cent for each star that you receive.
Yet another means to earn cash is by running paid online events.

Due to the pandemic, many in-person events have been canceled, thus creating a gap in revenue streams.

However, Facebook built Paid online events to assist creators in earning money on Facebook by monetizing these live events.

You can do this by creating an online event on your business page and change people with a one-time access fee to watch and even participate.

Through this, you can easily engage with clients, generate revenue, and find new prospective clients for the business.

4. Earn Money via Facebook Affiliate Marketing.

using affiliate marketing to monetize on facebook

If you want to start with affiliate marketing, you must be an affiliate with some service or products and promote them. Note that Facebook groups are a fantastic way to do affiliate marketing.

You can find these groups, join them and begin posting affiliate links in a bid to drive commissions. However, you must be careful not to spam the group in hopes of getting sales.

Else, you will be blocked or removed from the group by the admin. It is best that you add some value to the conversations in the group and then include the affiliate links.

Understand that Facebook Affiliate Marketing is a fantastic way to boost your income. Since billions of people access the platform monthly, your target market is undoubtedly on the forum. All you need to do is find ways to attract them.

For those interested in earning money through Facebook affiliate marketing, you can follow these steps. They include:

– Creation of a Facebook page or Facebook group.

Rather than spam your Facebook friends with links to your affiliate partners, you should create a Facebook business page or a group. This is much easier to grow an established fan base that will be invested in what you are selling.

– Engage with your audience and promote.

The truth is that a lot of people do not enjoy ads. Since people cannot wait to skip ads, you must understand that this applies to affiliate marketing.

For those interested in having a successful Facebook Affiliate business, you will need to establish yourself as an authority and create a sustainable relationship with your audience.

Like this, whenever you post an advertisement, your fans will be more open to it since they trust and value your opinion. You can build up your engagement on Facebook by making use of the 80/20 rule.

This means that eighty percent of your posts are entertaining or educational and are highly shareable. And, twenty percent of your posts are promotional.

– You are to create value for your audience with your posts.

Your posts should solve problems, or it can be a fun quiz to create rapport.
Make use of Facebook ads.

It is no secret that there is only so much you can attain with organic Facebook posts. If you want to grow faster and earn cash in a short time frame, then Facebook ads are the way to go.

With just some targeted ads, you can create an engaged audience within weeks. When you are specific about the type of people you want to attract, the more likely you will see a return on investment from the Facebook ads.

Note that you will not be able to promote your direct affiliate links. Facebook ads aim to grow your audience or send traffic to your blog post with the affiliate link.

5. Sell Facebook page growth services to businesses.

selling facebook prmotion services as a means of monetization

Are you aware that you can earn money simply by selling Facebook page growth services? Well, you are in for a surprise.

The fact remains that Facebook provides users with the capability to build pages and attract followers based on the niche.

The funny pages you find on Facebook have successfully packed millions of followers within a short time. Once you have such a page, you can monetize it easily.

You can choose to do sponsored posts for businesses in exchange for cash, sell your products on them, or even teach businesses how to grow their pages.

However, all of this will take time to make it a successful page.
You should consider this option if you are in it for the long run. Years ago, it was easy to create a viral Facebook page as you can get lots of organic views and shares on your posts for free.

However, organic reach was killed literally by Facebook. And now, you will need lots of time, people, and money to create a highly successful page.

Nevertheless, if you are genuinely interested in selling Facebook page growth services, you can give it a shot.

It is pertinent to note that you will have to gradually find a good niche and progressively build your Facebook page.

When you have enough followers, you can try selling the page to more prominent brands willing to pay the ideal price for your page.

You can earn money via Facebook pages through selling products on the page, selling ad spaces to more prominent brands on the page, marketing courses on the page, or even selling the page directly.

For any of the methods mentioned above to make money, you will surely be needing a page that has a good number of followers.

6. Send the people on your Facebook group or Page to a blog and make money on ads from the blog.

using facebook to monetize on your blog

In layman’s terms, all you are trying to do here is build a community of people who will follow your blog, interact with your content, and purchase your services or products.

The most prominently known way to go about this is through:

– Email marketing

Those who subscribe to your email list or newsletter are regarded as valuable assets to the blog. You can use your email list to tell the community that you have new content available on the blog.

You can also ask for their feedback and sell them products or services from the blog. However, this will not begin from day one as you need to gain their trust.

The way to gain their trust is by offering value via your emails. If you are generating revenue from your email list, Facebook can assist you in making more cash by being the source of new subscribers.

This is possible in several ways. It can be done through options via an opt-in form on your Facebook page as a tab. It can also be done through options via traffic sent from Facebook to the blog.

– Social media networking

Since people hate receiving emails, these people will prefer to use social media platforms to read their news, interact with friends, and spend lots of time online.

This is where you will need to make sure you have an active social presence in the same channels as your prospective followers. There are lots of social media platforms available that you can utilize.

However, since you are just setting up and establishing your blog’s brand, it is best to focus on effective channels. These channels are Twitter and Facebook.

You should begin by building your brand on Facebook.
Do not forget that your goal is to link with people that can be prospective followers and customers of the blog.

And not just anybody that had a social presence. You should do some form of profiling and select your target audience wisely.

When there is a post on the blog or new content, you are to post a link leading to Facebook. You can earn money from sending your followers to a blog once Facebook sends traffic to the website.

Note that all of these cannot work if you do not have more than enough people on your Facebook group or Page. Since only some content resonates on Facebook, your main job is to find out what will work in your niche.

You can try two options if you are to follow this method of earning cash on Facebook. You can try to post some selected content to the blog’s main Facebook page.

The next option is to create micro-targeted Facebook pages. Are you aware that you can create diverse Facebook pages for a site? Well, you can. You can create as many Facebook pages per site that you want.

It should be noted that Facebook pages are not reliant or contingent on a blog or website. This means that if you have certain sub-topics on the blog that works on Facebook, you can build a particular page on that topic.

Furthermore, when you receive a high engagement for a specific post or blog content, you can throw some money on it by boosting it. It will give you the needed traction, options, ad revenue, and you will even get to attract links.

Through boosting, traffic is sent to the blog. You can also boost to attract some more fans to drive traffic to the blog in the future. More so, you can choose to promote a blog and get paid per one thousand clicks.

This strategy can be outsourced for a small cost, and it quickly generates up to hundreds, if not thousands of dollars monthly. The thing is, some blogs will pay you to post images or links that will connect to their site.

Most times, they pay a rate set at every one thousand visitors you send their way. The good thing about it is that the blog owner will be responsible for providing all the content and will likely be good at generating engaging content.

For this, you surely do not need a website. You simply need an engaged Facebook page. You will have to partner with blogs or websites that are active on Facebook.

All of you can agree on a specific price per one thousand visitors that you send to their blog from your Facebook page. The blogs will be providing you with their best-performing Facebook posts alongside a tracking link.

This means you will have nothing to do with coming up with the Facebook post content. Your job is to copy and paste the posts on your Facebook page, send them traffic that will earn you your desired revenue.

Everything about this has to do with fan engagement. Since you do not want to be so annoying to your Facebook page or group members, you can settle for roughly three to six posts daily.

The good thing is they are not ads or those product promotions; there is legit content that is popular. You can make money by running paid traffic to some of the popular blog posts.

Asides from doing this for direct profit, you can do it to help vital posts or content get more traffic that will result in shares and attract links from its exposure.

You just need to create website traffic-focused ads and promote some selected pieces of content. While you cannot do this for up to three hundred posts, you can promote between three to five posts on your page.

Now, your Facebook followers will share this content, and this will, in turn, drive some exposure. If the content is good, it can attract links.

7. Send the people on your Facebook to a storefront and make money whenever they purchase products from the store.

using ecommerce to monetize on facebook

For those interested in success, you must note that you cannot sit back and wait for prospective clients to come to you. Instead, you are to reach out to them. These clients are actually on Facebook.

As the most prominent social network globally, having billions of people logging in daily to spend an average of 58.5 minutes on the platform, you can surely be successful on this platform.

For those who sell products online but do not make use of a Facebook shop, you miss out on a lot of big opportunities. Understand that the Facebook shop feature is available to everyone and not only major retailers.

If you are an eCommerce store owner, this is a good way of using social media marketing. Interestingly, Facebook enables users to set up a mobile-optimized store for people to access both on Instagram and Facebook.

This feature is called Facebook shops, and it makes it easy for users to browse, discover and buy your products on the Facebook platform.

First and foremost, you must have a clear-cut understanding of what Facebook shops entail. The Facebook shop is a feature that aims to ease up the disruption that was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

It enables storefront owners to display their products on their Facebook pages and Instagram profiles in a way that provides a traditional shopping experience.

It will give you the ability to build custom collections by grouping items from your inventory. This will make it easier for customers to discover your products. Do you know Shopify?

Well, Shopify has been working with Facebook to provide its sellers with the best multi-channel commerce solutions. For those who already sell their products on Shopify, Facebook Shops will now be available to you as an extra sales channel.

Now, you will be capable of using it to build a branded storefront on Instagram and Facebook. Once you publish your Shop, you will be capable of customizing it and curating product collections straight inside Instagram and Facebook.

With the integration of Shopify, your items and inventory will be in perfect sync with the eCommerce store. Now you can manage your business from one parcel while offering an omnichannel customer experience.

It is worthy to note that Shopify will provide product checkout for the store owners. The company will be offering Instagram checkout to some of the merchants who are experimenting with the new feature.

Bear in mind that Facebook Shops is expected to roll out to all merchants, but you can begin by adding a Facebook channel on Shopify.

Before the emergence of Facebook Shops, the only available way to create a Facebook storefront was to use the shop tab on your Facebook page.

Even though a small number of businesses that use the Facebook shop tab will be automatically migrated to Facebook Shops, the majority will have to wait for the universal rollout.

This means that if you reside in a country where the Facebook features are slow to reach, you will need to follow the local route to set up the Facebook shop.

Note that, Shop is a tab that you can configure on your Facebook page.
You can configure it to promote and sell your products straight to your Facebook users that are on the platform.

When you send the people on your Facebook a link to your product and click on it, they will see an expanded product page.

On this page, they will find product pictures as well as videos. And, they can read up on the product description. With the Facebook shop, you can make money when you send your followers to it.

This means that the Facebook shop and lots of benefits. With it, you can easily tag products in your Facebook post to boost sales. When you have set up a Facebook shop, you can begin tagging any of your products featured in the images.

With this, you can make sure everyone who views the post will be aware of your available products.

The intriguing part is that once you have successfully set up the Facebook shop, tagging products in your posts is easy and swift.

Another benefit is that you can easily tap into the social engagement of Facebook. Some people hang out on Facebook, and you must remember that the average daily Facebook user depends almost an hour on the platform.

When you use Facebook Shops, or when you add a Facebook shop tab on your page, you can easily capitalize on the way the users will engage on Facebook.

Differing from websites, when people view the products on the Facebook store, they can either like them, save them for some other time, share them with their friends, leave a comment by sharing their thoughts, or even asking questions.

For those in the US that may have checkout enabled, customers can easily place an order without leaving the platform. Every one of these actions will expose your brand to new people in the best way possible, even through a friend.

Understand that all of these engagements work as a highly powerful form of social proof. It means that the actions and opinions of others majorly influence people.

Furthermore, the Facebook shop will assist in reducing friction in the entire sales process. The whole aim of all these is to make it easy for people to buy products in the storefront.

And, when you make the prospective customers jump through hoops, they will more than likely give up or even get distracted and end up not completing their purchase.

When you send your followers to the Facebook store, it makes everything easier for them. They can easily browse through the products in the same window that they use to chat with friends.

More so, they can include products in their cart and check them out on the platform. Or, they can head to your site to finish buying the products.

8. Refer Facebook friends to apps that pay you money per referral.

using facebook messenger to refer friends and monetize facebook

Are you aware that there are some referral apps that you can make money from, even in Nigeria? Well, they are, and we will be outlining some of them for you.

For those who have been searching for ways to earn extra cash and make money online by making use of their smartphone, there are referral apps you can use.

Since you already have Facebook friends or you have successfully grown followers on your Facebook group, this can be easy to do. An app you can refer your Facebook friends to in a bid to make money is the Piggyvest App.

Bear in mind that, Piggyvest is regarded as a savings and investment platform that offers so many benefits. Users can save cash for rainy days and save for any project or item they wish to buy through this app.

You can make money by referring friends to use the app. Here, anybody who signs up with your referral link and completes their profile will have you receiving one thousand Naira.

This cash will be unlocked to your account when they fulfill all the requirements.

Try imagining sending your Piggyvest referral links to about fifty people on Facebook, and about twenty of them get to sign up and complete their registration.

You will be making about twenty thousand without any stress.
However, before you can start sharing your referral link to your Facebook groups and pages, you will need to complete your registration and deposit some cash to show that you are prepared to start saving with them.

You will need to tell those that you refer to do the same thing as well. No one will one, as you will all make money from such a referral app.

Another app that pays money on referral is the Chipper Cash app. Since the absence of a unifying currency makes it difficult to send and receive cash across Africa, the Chipper Cash app was created.

The app makes it easier to send and receive cash from Nigeria to other African countries like Ghana, South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

As you send money, you are liable to make additional cash when you refer your friends to make use of the app. They can make money also when they refer more friends to use the Chipper Cash app.

9. Making use of Facebook for CPA marketing.

using cpa marketing to monetize on facebook

One thing you should bear in mind is that CPA marketing is also regarded as cost-per-action marketing. It is a commission-based model wherein a pre-negotiated commission is being paid to the platform.

But this payment is made only when there has been a solid action. The action here could be a Facebook user clicking on the advertisement or the user going to the business’s webpage and carrying out a purchase.

Understand that this paradigm is solely based on actual business results instead of the level of exposure. The return on investment is technically better than the CPI model.

You must note that CPA marketing is known as a tweaked form of affiliate marketing. Here, the eCommerce businesses may likely create offers and online marketing campaigns.

As for the affiliates, they may have to register for the program and even advertise the offerings of the business on their website, social media, or blog. Any action, whether clicking, watching videos, or filling surveys, is completed via the affiliate’s link.

This makes them eligible for a commission based on the negotiated rates. Nevertheless, you must have an understanding of everyone on this model.

The business or advertiser is the one that owns and operates the affiliate program to promote the products. The publisher or the affiliate is the one that makes use of his network like Facebook to increase traffic for the business.

As for the network, it is responsible for facilitating the whole CPA marketing process. Meanwhile, affiliates interact with the business and manage earnings. The affiliates are given links that contain an exclusive monitoring code for the company.

The company uses it in identifying the source an action came from. Note that CPA marketing is way easier than affiliate marketing.

In the original affiliate marketing, you must make sales in a bid to get profit. However, for CPA marketing, getting sales is not compulsory to make any profit.

Here, you are free to distribute free offers, apps, and even trial products. Your Facebook followers can grab for free, and you can easily profit from their specific actions.

Some of these actions include confirming an offer, ordering a product on a free trial, and even downloading specific software or app.

This means that making money using Facebook for CPA marketing is very easy when compared to affiliate marketing. There are lots of CPA-driven sites on the Internet.

You should know that CPA marketing differs from affiliate marketing, as you can get paid without generating sales.

Furthermore, you can get high payments such as one hundred dollars for a BTC exchange or even a casino lead. It will interest you to note that CPA offers in almost all niches that you can think of.

Also, you can begin with little to no investment upfront. Since everything must have its disadvantages, it is pertinent to note that it is hard to get accepted into high-profile CPA networks as a newbie.

Most of the best CPA offers are only available to first-world countries such as the United States of America. Bear in mind that CPA marketing is a highly competitive arena.

This means that you will need to be very creative to make good money.

10. Promoting YouTube videos via Facebook and making money from the ads on the videos on YouTube.

using facebook to monetize on youtube

While you can be sharing your videos on all social media platforms so that you can make money from ads, Facebook is essential for lots of reasons. For beginners, it has roughly six Billion active users monthly.

More so, the platform leads non-video social platforms reaching more than sixty percent of internet users. In the first quarter of 2020 alone, more than seventeen billion pounds was earned in ad revenue alone.

With these substantial ad numbers and active users, you cannot afford to miss out on Facebook in your YouTube promotions.

Also, the two platforms tend to work together in a highly effective fashion that makes it very easy for users to promote their content. You can also make use of live videos as it is among the most prominent social media trends. For sure, it is never going anywhere.

With amazing apps such as Facebook, it makes it easier than ever to stream live video as this will get more brands on board. Note that YouTube has been providing live videos to users for years but recently started picking up more steam.

There are popular YouTube Live videos that you can take a look at to understand how brands use the platform. You can learn how to use YouTube Live through live tutorials, Q&A sessions, product demonstrations, and even webinars.

Even though your streams may not go as smoothly as you want them to, a part of the fun and risks of live videos is that you will never know what will happen.

It is the organic and unpolished nature of the live video that makes it quite compelling. Do you know that Facebook will be paying some video creators for simply uploading their clips to the platform?

The videos that make people stay up to watch for longer will earn lots of share of the revenue from these ads. Though, Facebook will keep forty-five percent. According to the platform, its users do clock up to four billion video views every day.

11. Add as many friends as possible; the more you have, the more people you can reach.

Facebook web page closeup with notifications

Although Facebook looks like a profitable alternative to offline options, there is more to the platform than simply marketing and advertising that will earn you more cash.

When you start from promoting products to selling all of your likes, there are many options to make money and keep on chatting, posting, and liking posts of others. It gets better as you can beat all of the demonetization blues with some additional cash.

To make money on this platform, you will need lots of friends. Instead of rejecting those friends’ requests, you are to add them to your list of friends. When you see people liking or commenting on a post, easily connect with them.

The fact remains that people want to talk to other people, so it is ideal to begin a conversation before you send out a friend request. This way, you will have more chance of turning that person into a new friend.

Another thing is that, when you make a new friend, the contacts of that person will see who they just befriended. From here, they may likely begin to wonder who their friend recently became friends with.

If they feel you are worth knowing, they may as well send you a friend request too. For those willing to connect with others to gain more followership, you should seek topics that you are interested in or topics relevant to all you do.

MUST READ: how-to-get-more-friends-to-see-your-posts-on-facebook

12. Think outside the box.

Think Outside the Box

When it comes to monetizing Facebook, you have to be creative enough to think outside the box. Are you aware that you can sell likes and shares? Yes, you can!.

There is more to do with your shares and likes than impress Facebook users.
To increase the credibility of their products, some businesses purchase likes and shares from genuine Facebook profiles.

The logic here is that Facebook pages with a massive number of likes and shares tend to inspire confidence amongst buyers about a specific brand.

Although this is just a small list, there are other ways to earn money via Facebook. The fact remains that there is always something for everyone.

Due to the digital divide between people getting close, it will only take a little time for Facebook to be an even more prominent aspect of our lives.

This is why you must tap into the opportunities while there is still enough time instead of being left out as more options begin to flood the Internet.

Another means to make money is to begin a Facebook ads agency. If you have a background in marketing or advertising, then this is for you.

You should know how best to leverage Facebook in a bid to drive sales to businesses.

You can begin by contacting local businesses as they do not have the time of day to play on social media. Or the local businesses that can only afford little resources to run a low-cost campaign.

Note that the amount you will charge will be dependent on the clients and conversations that you bring. This strategy makes it possible to earn between $1000 to $1500 from each client monthly. It is something.

Furthermore, you can go into influencer marketing. It is another outside-the-box method to make money from your Facebook account.

Though it is regarded as a cutting-edge plan, it will enable you to leverage your reputation and name to products.

If you want to earn money through influencer marketing, you will need to have established yourself as a thought leader on Facebook, build trust and grow a loyal follower base.

It is a common rule for influencers to charge a fee for displaying a product. Bear in mind that the more established your name is, the higher the price you can charge.

Usually, influencers promote a product simply by unboxing or reviewing it. Or they can post a video or picture of themselves making use of the product.

Their followers trust this type of advertising more than the traditional advertising types.

And they view this form of marketing as a personal recommendation. This is a great way to think outside the box to earn money on Facebook.

On a general note, we hope that our article has shown you all the possible ways you can make money by monetizing Facebook.

Depending on the method you decide to use, you may make more than enough to quit your nine-to-five job.

Since you can earn up to $10000 monthly, it is worth the shot and your time. Making cash from Facebook is ideal for those willing to put in the time and effort.

While all the strategies outlined above may seem easy, there is a lot of effort to put into it.

Those who may want to concentrate on earning their money via video views on Facebook will take lots of time, and the money will be less.

However, if you concentrate on the other ways you can monetize Facebook, you can earn lots of cash faster.

VERY IMPORTANT: for those of you who have read till the end, I will now let you into my email list and my full training where I teach students how they can make a steady $40,000 monthly…

To join up on my email list, >>CLICK HERE<< and to get to my full training where I teach my $40,000/Month method >>CLICK HERE<<

I’ll see you around… and yeah, don’t forget to ask me questions in the comments section if you have any questions…

  1. I love your style of giving out real value. I have been your active follower for a while now and hope that i will make my online money soon by implementing what you teach.

    I will love you to make for us a detailed video tutorial step by step on how to shot a youtube video , both showing face and not showing face using OBS Studio. Can this be made soon! I look forward for this

  2. wow, i never knew that one can moenetize facebook to this huge extent and make lots of moeny from it. honestly, i will be reading through this article when less busy to try these tips out. Great post daniel hustle. i love this.

      1. Pls can you make a video on your YouTube channel on how to make guarantee money with affiliate marketing and ads

  3. Wow! Thank you very much,am you fan from Tanzania. I actually have a group on Facebook that have almost 8I people now and I didn’t know that I can monetize it, I also have a Facebook page and now have started a YouTube channel which is still very new.

    I have been following you on YouTube on how to make money online, but most of the methods especially affiliate programs and CPA do not work in my country Tanzania! I need help on that. I also want to join your course, cause I really need to make money online, so will be my pleasure to be my couch.. bu how do I make payments?


    Sarah from Tanzania

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