How To Gain Subscribers Fast (A Guide To 10k Subs)

How To Gain Subscribers Fast

Subscribers are the reason your YouTube channel is worth it.

It takes sometime to build a large subscriber base, especially if you’re trying to meet the 10k subs mark.

Certainly, it is doable. All you need is a guide to getting subs.

So, I want to give you hints on how to gain subscribers fast.

You can gain subscribers fast through some strategic work.

Follow our guide here on Daniels Hustle:

1. Brush Up Your Channel

First, we have to do some channel clean up.


While you might assume that everything on your channel is spot on, your audience might think otherwise.

So, stepping away from your own side of the room and moving to the position of a visitor is what you should do.

Re-evaluate what is on your Youtube channel.

When you look at what you have there carefully, you might notice some outdated, poorly produced, or just a flop of a video that should have never made it up there in the first place.

Seeing this sort of things can turn leads off.

Wipe it off as quick as possible and don’t think it twice.

2. Make use of the appropriate tools

There are numerous useful tools available.

Using the appropriate tools will help you raise your organic audience, from tools to help you develop videos to tools to help you advertise your videos.

And the more organic views you have, the more subscribers you may be able to attract.

TubeBuddy has been my go-to tool for a while now, and I highly suggest it to anyone serious about YouTube marketing.

TubeBuddy will assist you in attracting more viewers, increasing your revenue, and automating your entire YouTube process.

It’s definitely worth a look.

Activate your TubeBuddy account.

Take a look at this video to see how TubeBuddy can assist.

Additional YouTube tools include:

3. Let people know where they can find your YouTube channel.

If you have an official website, take advantage of the option to link to it on YouTube.

how to reach you

This is logical, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t do it.

When you send your most curious users to your website, you can capitalize on the work you put into gaining viewers to your YouTube channel.

Furthermore, your YouTube channel will be certified as an accurate representation of your brand.

Add your website/blog URL to your YouTube channel under the channel settings tab.

You could also want to include the URL to your website/blog in the channel description.

Similarly, to increase the number of subscribers to your YouTube channel, include a “Subscribe” button somewhere on your site.

4. Make longer videos (10 minutes or more) available

Although YouTube has a lot of thorough, in-depth reviews and other long-form content, the videos that convert the best are those that are longer than 10 minutes.

Shorter videos used to perform well, but as YouTube has grown in popularity, lengthier films are now ranking higher.

According to Comscore, the average length of most YouTube videos was roughly 4.4 minutes in January 2014.

This is the magic number for content creators who are just getting started.

Follow this number until you’ve amassed a following.

Once you’ve built up a following, you can play around with video duration to see how your audience reacts.

Keep it easy, instructive, and engaging, with a duration of 10 minutes or more.

This isn’t a hard and fast rule; if your video can be completed in under five minutes, go ahead and do it.

It’s a difficult task, but it’ll be well worth your time.

5. Include a YouTube intro and outro in your video

Your YouTube intro and outro will help you brand your video while also making it more engaging.

YouTube intro and outro

An opening and outro will help to establish your brand and give your video a professional feel.

It’s like a TV show’s opening theme music.

Furthermore, a captivating start will keep your viewers captivated by the rest of the video.

6. Edit your YouTube videos ruthlessly.

Thomas Hawk, a well-known photographer, claims that he has ten rejected photos for every photograph he publishes.

Any form of editing is the same way.

Edit your YouTube videos ruthlessly to ensure that only the finest ones are published.

If you rush through your schedule and publish hastily, you will only harm yourself and your brand as a whole.

Make a lot of recordings when filming a video to ensure that only the best sections are chosen.

If you’re not sure about a certain shot, take a few more.

Although I haven’t done much video editing on a Mac, Adobe Premier will work just fine if you’re on Windows.

Get the correct editing software to help you with this (often) time-consuming task.

If you’re prepared to put in the time and effort to learn more about cinematography,

  • How to Edit a YouTube Video

Here are the proper YouTube dimensions for different quality levels:

3840 x 2160 pixels in 2160p (4K)

1. 1. 1440p (2K) – a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels

2. 1. 1920 x 1080 pixels in 1080p (HD)

3. 1. 720p (HD) – a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels

4. 1. 480p – a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels

7. Make your video descriptions as good as possible

When it comes to YouTube videos and SEO, the video description should not be overlooked.

video descriptions

Not only will the description help search engines find your videos, but it will also provide potential viewers a sense of what your video is about.

But don’t go overboard.

It’s pointless to have a long description because only the first few words of your description appear when the video first loads.

Use your keyword in the description, just as you did in the title, but don’t go overboard.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re outsmarting the search engine by repeating your term 17 times.

This will actually decrease your chances of being found in searches.

Maintain a natural and genuine tone.

Hint: In your video description, include a link to a “squeeze page.”

8. Make use of meta tags to your advantage

Use the Google Keyword Planner to come up with keyword suggestions for your YouTube videos.

Make sure to include all of the necessary keywords in your videos.

This will increase your visibility in the Google and YouTube search engines.

Overusing keywords will not help (in fact, it will hinder) your rankings, but a few well-researched and well-placed keywords can work miracles.

A low video count isn’t always due to bad content; it could also be due to a lack of discoverability.

Metadata is a crucial component in getting your movies to appear in search results.

You can get some ideas by looking at some high-converting videos and seeing what meta tags they use.

However, copying and pasting meta tags will not help.

9. Bring your videos to a close with a bang

Make sure your videos end on a high note, no matter what they’re about.

ask for what you need

Make sure your films end in a memorable way, just like the final dialogue before the curtain falls.

Inquire if your viewers would like to subscribe and whether they enjoyed the video.

Encourage them to visit your website.

Give them your phone number and request that they call you (not a good idea).

Always keep in mind the following:

  • If you never inquire, you will always get a negative response.
  • End your videos on a confident note, and thank your viewers for watching.
  • Create a tail slate with a standard banner and “subscribe’ notes throughout all your flicks.
  • If you close your films with a smile, your visitors will be anxious for more.

10. Consider teaming up with other YouTubers

Collaboration on YouTube has been increasingly popular among top video creators in recent years.


Because it is in everyone’s best interests to work together.

It will be beneficial to you, your collaborators, and the viewers.

The creative process is a constructive one, and viewing other YouTubers as competition will only stifle your growth, leaving you envious of others’ accomplishments.

Reach out to other users in your field who are similar to you and ask them if they’d like to collaborate on something fun.

You’ll be able to reach a new audience, your colleague will be able to reach a new audience, and your viewers will appreciate all of the added value.

It’s a win-win-win situation.

11. Communicate with your devoted fan base

This ethereal thread of connecting and communicating with others is the foundation of social media.

Communicate with your fan base

Everything boils down to how much you care about it.

Your supporters will care about you if they know you care about them.

In the comments section of your videos, interact with your audience and listen to their demands.

True, you may receive some pushback and rage in the comments area, but you should handle it gracefully and listen to your dedicated fan base.

Respond to comments left on your videos and maintain a constant sense of connection with your fans.

This will increase their trust in you, and they will appreciate your concern for them.

12. Take into account gifts and video challenges.

Who doesn’t enjoy freebies?

Offer something to your fans for their entire YouTube commitment.

A free Youtube gift or video contest will recompense your current fans and aid to appeal to new fans.

Anything you wish you may give away:

  • A new gizmo for technology.
  • A t-shirt branded.
  • A subscription to the hosting system.
  • A new vehicle…!

Whatever it is, your audience will like to get something free, and all their friends will know about it (especially if the prize is really good).

This is not just free promotion, it is free promotion of viruses.

Many YouTube broadcasters want people to follow all their social media profiles to participate in the competition to give them a real substantial donation.

This approach, I endorse.

It’s best if your niche is the product you’re giving away, but your public still likes to acquire something for free, even if not.

13. It is a necessity to promote cross-platforms

In the current age of social media, it is a prerequisite to live and be active on various social sites.

promote across-platforms

If you strive to create a brand, it’s necessary to get discovered.

There are numerous key social media networks you need to be engaged with.

At least on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus, you should have a profile.

However, for others like Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, and all others, you may always choose.

If it sounds like a logistical nightmare on too many social media networks, a SocialPilot auto-planning program can be used to keep you organized and regularly posted.

You may also try your website for your promotion using Facebook Ads and Google Ads (I would recommend that you attempt Facebook Ads before Google Ads).

So successful brands are constructed.

You put yourself up as an all-knowing presence by being visible in various locations around the web.

An aggressive method to get your first 1000 subscribers out of it as quickly as possible, whatever you do.

The mindset of ‘construct, they’re going to come’ won’t work with social media.

You must market your channel to its fullest capacity.

You will also be driven to work more and make better videos for your viewers with a channel that quickly gains momentum.

Share what you’ve been working on with your friends and ask whether you’re interested to subscribe.

Remember, they’re not bound to do anything, don’t keep tormenting friends.

Get out and let people know about your business on other social media sites using certain personal links.

Ask you (if you are interested) for likes and subscriptions.

Like, comment, share


Continue to experiment and explore: “Only those who try the absurd are doing the impossible.”

It could not work for you what worked for someone else.

Continue thus to test and adhere to the approaches that work for you.

Continue to experiment with the angles of the camera, backgrounds, videos, and all the techniques in this article.

Follow your adjustments and how they affect the behavior of your audience.

Keep your brand true.

It takes a lot of effort, time, perseverance, and a long-standing commitment to building something of value on YouTube.

But you can ultimately reap its benefits with patience.

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