How to Start Making Money from YouTube (a $10,000/Month Guide)

How to start making money from YouTube

In this article, I, Daniel Umeh, and my Team here at Daniels Hustle will be discussing how to start making money on YouTube, giving you a full guide to help you make $10,000 monthly.

Over one billion YouTube videos are viewed every day around the world. They’re not only being observed; they’re also being devoured. In reality, each viewer’s average YouTube mobile viewing session lasts about 40 minutes.

If only there was a way to profit from a website where so many people spend so much time. There is, in truth, such a thing! There are many avenues, and the proof is in the people (and businesses) who have profited from their video strategy.

Who’s creating content that’s worth a nearly hour-long YouTube session? YouTube is no longer limited to amateur filmmakers and people filming their zainy housepets. Musicians, TV networks, small companies, and the self-employed all benefit financially from having their own YouTube channel.

A successful, entertaining YouTube channel — which can be created for free using a Google account (which is also free) — helps these users build their brands and reach new audiences. It can also help businesses create a subscriber base to which they can pay to advertise their goods on YouTube.

You must first determine what kind of profit you want to make before starting a YouTube channel to make money. Are you interested in using YouTube to promote your goods and services? Do you want to monetize your video content by selling ads on YouTube?

Now, Let’s walk you through the steps on how to start making money from YouTube. 

Now, without further ado, let’s get started, shall we?

1. Choose a niche.

If you want to know how to start making money from YouTube, then you must first determine what niche you want to reach before starting a YouTube channel.

If you want your YouTube journey to be a success, you must decide what your channel’s intention is right from the start.

The significance of selecting a niche

The cornerstone of a YouTube company is the niche you’ll be targeting. To feed the right video content to your audience, you must first understand who they are.

You can’t just throw videos up on YouTube and hope for the best. Every video must have a goal and a message.

What criteria do you use to choose the best YouTube channel niche?

Many people have a niche in mind when they decide to start a YouTube channel because they want to focus on what they already do.

If you’re an artist, you probably already know that you want your channel to be about art. If you know how to use Photoshop, you’re probably eager to teach others.

You may want to start a YouTube channel because you like the idea of making videos and want to experience what it’s like to be a YouTuber.

You may also want to start making money from  YouTube. If you don’t have a topic in mind yet, I’ll give you some things to consider when deciding on a niche.


Do you genuinely care about the subject?

It is critical to have passion for the subject you wish to explore for a variety of reasons.

You’ll have to produce content on a daily basis for a long time (years, at least). If you do not enjoy the topic, dealing with moments when you are tired, out of ideas, and irritated will be extremely difficult.

You will quickly become bored if you have little interest in the subject, and your YouTube channel will feel like a series of boring tasks.

The excitement is tangible. Have you ever heard anyone speak with such zeal about something? Isn’t it true that his enthusiasm piqued your interest in the concept he presented? I’m sure you’ve had similar experiences. Speaking with true enthusiasm acts like a magnet, drawing people’s attention to you.


Is there any interest in the subjects you’re going to talk about?

You won’t have anyone to watch your videos if you want to talk about petting unicorns but no one is looking for it.

This is particularly true if your goal is to start making money from YouTube rather than simply share your passions with the world.

Don’t be concerned about the demand if you have a skill you want to showcase; just own it and let others enjoy it! If you create something amazing, you’ll create demand for yourself.

Examine the market to see if the niches you’re thinking about are common.

To predict the number of monthly searches for unique search queries, use Google AdWords Keyword Planner. You can sign up for a free account to enter your keywords.

The tool will show the total number of monthly searches as well as the competitiveness of the market.

Google Trends can be used to see how popular different subjects have become over time. Is the topic seasonal, in the sense that searches take place only at certain times of the year? Is there a rising demand trend?


How difficult do you think it will be to achieve recognition?

Counting the number of YouTubers who are interested in the niche will help you find out how many there are. If the topic is oversaturated, it will be difficult for you to become a successful YouTuber in that niche.

If you don’t have a particular topic in mind when you first start on YouTube, you have more options when it comes to choosing a niche to target. You’ll discover a fantastic niche with low competition and high demand.

If you want to use YouTube as part of your content marketing strategy or if you already know what niche you’ll be in, don’t worry about how tough it is. Starting with low-competition keywords, you’ll work your way up. It will be tougher, but not impossible.

YouTube’s most common sub-niches

If you’re looking for YouTube channel content ideas, here are the most successful and profitable niches:

● Weight loss & Healthy Living
● Gaming
● Product Reviews
● Tutorials
● Humour
● Vlogs
● Storytime Videos
● Food
● Fashion
● Tech Videos
● Beauty plus
● Travel
● Animals
● How To’s

I hope this has given you a clearer understanding of how to pick the best YouTube channel niche.

2. See what other people are doing in your niche

To start making money from YouTube, you need to be observant. Firstly, you should examine what other YouTubers in the same area are doing. 

You should know:

● What kind of information do they provide?
● Why do people pay attention to them?
● How do they keep their viewers interested in what they’re saying?

Read the comments to see if the viewers have any suggestions for change or need more information, then think about what you might add to the discussion.

● What should I do to view the subjects in a different light?
● How can I add more value to the viewers’ experience?

You must recognize the market’s shortcomings and fix them yourself. People will connect with you if you bring anything important and qualitative to the market.

Come up with fresh perspectives on the topic. To stand out from the crowd, you must be special and genuine.

3. Do your keyword research well

YouTube keyword research

You want to try to find keywords that will push traffic to your video while doing keyword research on YouTube.

While YouTube is the best place to look for keywords, you can still use more conventional keyword research tools (like Google Search Console, SEMrush, SEOProfiler, Moz, or others.)

YouTube enables you to add “tags” to your video to help categorize it by keyword, but the number of tags you can use is limited.

Look for multi-word tags (also known as long-tail keywords) that are relevant to the subject of your video.

You can also use single-word and broad-term tags that apply to the overall subject of your video.

Note: Do not use trademarks or copyrighted material in your metadata unless the owner has given you express permission.

Looking at the top-ranking YouTube videos that explicitly compete with your video is a perfect way to get tag ideas. YouTube, on the other hand, covers the video identifiers, making it more difficult to “spy” on the rivals and see their hidden keyword/tag sauce.

Fortunately, some resources can give you a lot of information on what your rivals are doing, including the tags they use to get their videos to rank high.

vidIQ and TubeBuddy are two of these video software applications. Depending on the company’s needs, all services have a free version and several premium versions. Both have advantages and disadvantages, so if you can afford them, I suggest using both.

4. Use proper YouTube SEO techniques.

YouTube SEO techniques are quite important for a YouTube who wants to start making money from YouTube.

Here are some YouTube SEO recommendations

1. Use a targeted keyword to rename your video file.

You’ll use an SEO tool to first find keywords you’d like your video to focus on, just as you would when optimizing written content.

When you’ve decided on a keyword, the first place you can put it is in your video file, before uploading it to YouTube.

What is the reason for this? YouTube cannot “watch” your video to see how important it is to your targeted keyword, and there are only so many places you can securely incorporate this keyword on your video’s viewing page once it’s uploaded, as you’ll see in the tips below.

When you upload your video, YouTube will read the file name and all the code that comes with it.

2. Incorporate the keyword into the video title in a natural way.

One of the first items that our eyes are drawn to when searching for videos is the title. Since the title is often what decides whether or not a viewer can click to watch your video, it must be both persuasive and simple, and concise.

While your keyword plays an important role in the title of your video, it also helps if it closely matches what the viewer is looking for.

According to Backlinko’s research, videos with an exact keyword match in the title have a marginal advantage over those without.

3. Optimize the description of your video.

YouTube description

First and foremost: The official character cap for YouTube video descriptions is 1,000 characters, according to Google.

Although it’s fine to fill up all of that room, keep in mind that your audience is most likely here to watch a video, not read an essay.

If you ever decide to write a longer summary, bear in mind that YouTube only shows the first two or three lines of text (roughly 100 characters).

Following that, viewers must press “display more” to see the entire definition. As a result, we recommend starting the summary with the most important details, such as CTAs or important links.

When it comes to optimizing the video itself, it doesn’t hurt to provide a transcript, particularly for those who must watch it without sound. Backlinko’s study, on the other hand, found no link between keyword-optimized descriptions and search engine rankings for that phrase.

To let viewers know what your video is about, YouTube’s official Creator Academy recommends using tags.

However, you’re not only educating your audience; you’re also informing YouTube. The platform uses tags “to understand the content and meaning of your video,” according to Dean.

As a result, YouTube will be able to connect your video with similar videos, potentially expanding the scope of your content.

However, choose your tags carefully. Use an irrelevant tag only if you think it will get you more views; otherwise, Google will penalize you. Similar to your definition, start with the most appropriate keywords, a good mix of popular and long-tail.

5. Sort the video into categories.

After you’ve uploaded a video, go to “Advanced settings” and categorize it. Choosing a category on YouTube is another way to associate your video with similar content so that it appears in various playlists and is seen by more people who share your interests.

Indeed, YouTube’s Creator Academy recommends that advertisers go through a thorough process to figure out which category each video belongs in.

“Think about what is working well for each group” you’re considering, the guide suggests, by addressing questions like:

● Who are the most successful developers in the category?
● What are their specialties and what do they excel at?
● Is there any correlation between the viewers of similar networks in a category?
● Are there any common characteristics among videos in a similar category, such as production value, length, or format?

When viewers are presented with a list of videos to watch, your video thumbnail is the first thing they see.

The thumbnail, along with the video’s title, sends a signal to the viewer about the quality of the video, so it can influence the number of clicks and views your video gets.

While you can always use one of YouTube’s auto-generated thumbnail options, we strongly advise you to upload a custom thumbnail.

According to the Creator Academy, “90 percent of the highest performing videos on YouTube have custom thumbnails,” and they suggest using images with a resolution of 1280×720 pixels (a 16:9 ratio) and saved as 2MB or smaller.jpg,.gif,.bmp, or.png files.

If you stick to those guidelines, you’ll be able to ensure that your thumbnail is of the same high quality across all platforms.

It’s important to remember that to upload a custom thumbnail image, your YouTube account must be checked. To do so, go to and follow the on-screen directions.

So, for someone who wants to start making money from YouTube, thumbnail images shouldn’t be overlooked by them.

In the next tip, we’ll go over thumbnail formation in greater detail.

7. To add subtitles and closed captions, use an SRT file.

Subtitles and closed captions, like most of the other text we’ve covered here, will help with YouTube search optimization by highlighting important keywords.

You’ll need to upload a supported text transcript or timed subtitles file to add subtitles or closed captions to your video. You may also explicitly insert transcript text for a video so that it auto-syncs with the video in the former case.

Subtitles are added similarly, but you have the option of limiting the amount of text displayed. To access either, go to your video manager and select “Videos” from the “Video Manager” menu.

Locate the video to which you want to add closed captioning or subtitles, and select it using the drop-down arrow next to the edit button.

After that, choose “Subtitles/CC.” You can then choose whether you want subtitles or closed captioning.

8. To maximize the number of people who watch your YouTube channel, add cards and end screens.

Have you ever seen a tiny white circular icon with an I in the middle appear in the corner of a video, or a translucent bar of text asking you to subscribe while watching it? Cards are “preformatted alerts that appear on desktop and mobile that you can set up to promote your brand and other videos on your channel,” according to Creator Academy.

To make End Cards in a YouTube video, click the I button.

A single video can have up to five cards, and there are six different types of cards:

  1. Channel card – Viewers are guided to another channel by channel cards.
  2. Donation cards to promote donations for nonprofit organizations in the United States.
  3. Fan funding –  to ask your fans to help finance the production of your video material.
  4. Link cards guide viewers to a third-party website, an approved crowdfunding platform, or an approved product sale platform.
  5. Poll cards are cards that ask viewers a question and allow them to vote on an answer.
  6. Cards that connect to other YouTube material of this kind, such as video or playlist cards

End screen

End screens show similar details to cards, but they don’t appear until the video has finished, and they’re a little more visually complex.

There are a variety of specific guidelines for adding end screens depending on the platform you choose to build them for, as well as the various types of content that YouTube allows for them.

It’s worth noting that YouTube is constantly evaluating end screens to improve the viewer experience, so “your end screen, as designated by you, can not appear” at times. When you want to start making money from Youtube, deciding whether to use cards or end screens, are considerations keep these considerations in mind.

These factors can seem to be complex and time-consuming, but keep in mind that the amount of time people spend watching YouTube on their television has more than doubled in the last year. There’s an audience waiting to be discovered, and optimizing for YouTube increases the chances of being discovered.

5. Get your thumbnails done right

What is the best way to design YouTube thumbnails?

1. To provide background, provide title text.

There isn’t just one advantage of using title text; there is a lot of them. But, out of all of that, we choose the best to represent the meaning of a video. Although the image is essential, it will not explain the intent of your video.

For a great tutorial, the user looks at multiple thumbnails and tries to find out the best way to fix their technological or other problems. If you’re going to make a series, it’s a good idea to number the text headings. Have you noticed a trend in television shows? The episodes and seasons are numbered to show which season and episode have been watched on YouTube.

The title doesn’t have to be related to your content; in fact, it should focus on the central concept of your video so that more people can watch it.

Finally, a better way is to give a YouTube thumbnail a suitable title. A catchy title will draw in more viewers by providing meaning. In certain cases, encapsulating the whole concept of the video in just a few words will leave a positive impact on tourists.

2. Use the most appropriate font type.

When you’ve finished with the word, you can move on to the font type. Making your audience aware of your brand and content is crucial. Holding thumbnails consistent with the same font design is the best way to keep the audience’s attention alive. Additionally, use memorable colors and a more robust style.

Using a special and impressive font instead of a common one. It’s a good idea to give a title a bold look.

3. The bright backdrop creates a nice contrast.

As previously mentioned, including a title is necessary, but what good is it if you can’t read it? Exactly, we’re going to talk about the comparison here.

There are several types of contrast, but we’ll focus on color contrast here. With an example, the concept of color contrast will become clearer. Let’s assume you want high contrast, which means two colors that aren’t the same and can be black and white. Low contrast, on the other hand, means that two colors are very close to each other, as in red and orange.

As a result, when selecting colors for the thumbnail, aim to stick to complementary hues. On the color wheel, they are diametrically opposed. We recommend these because they can be used in contrast to one another, revealing their individual identities.

Often use contrast that is pleasing to the eye!

Furthermore, it has been discovered that a thumbnail with yellow color performs significantly better than one without. This color has a stronger hold on others. Apart from that, a bright backdrop is preferable to a white one.

4. Make use of a great picture that is important.

Visualization is critical for capturing the attention of the audience. An appropriate and high-quality picture serves as a demonstration of your video, and it also allows the viewer to connect with your brand.

Whether you’re visualizing a tutorial or promoting a product, you’ll need to think carefully and create the appropriate picture. If you want to post a video about your technical equipment, you’ll need to create a visual for it.

You can also make a customized YouTube thumbnail design. Your brand will rise to the top of the search results as a result of this action. It’s one way to develop a consistent style that reflects both you and your business. Combine the ideal font, color, and graphics to help you project the ideal picture of your business.

5. Include a face image: Make eye contact with the audience.

To establish a stronger link with the audience, a thumbnail must include a face picture. It is possible to successfully access your heart and soul if your eyes are on a computer screen. When you make eye contact with a visitor, it piques their interest and makes them want to learn more about the video. Furthermore, an individual’s eye may be used to interact and read their emotions.

In the meantime, a thumbnail with a face picture is causing a stir in the industry. It’s the best gesture to manipulate the situation because eyes can represent love, sympathy, rage, and stress.

6. Consistency

The consistency of a thumbnail is crucial. It enables your viewers to grasp the concept of your videos. The thumbnail design should be consistent in terms of layouts, font size and style, colour scheme, and other relevant information. You can demonstrate consistency in YouTube thumbnails by adding your brand. If you’re making a series of video thumbnails, sticking to the same theme for all of them is the best choice.

7. Examine the opponent.

Always be on the lookout for rivals that have a similar platform and target the same audience as you. You will find out how many clicks your rivals are having by looking at them. To get the best people on board, compare your design, content, names, and colour scheme to the competition.

Finally, we’re all curious about how our thumbnails are doing. There is no click analytics available on YouTube. However, Google’s True View ads tool remains, allowing users to analyze relative clicks. This is a very useful and affordable product.

8. Make a design that can fit on a small screen.

Smaller devices are more reliable in the modern world. Since half of the world’s population uses a mobile device, there’s a good chance that your thumbnail would generate the majority of responses via it. Whatever the case may be, the answer will be for which part, but more will come from mobile devices.

According to studies, between 55 and 70 percent of our thumbnail impressions are small scale. It is obvious that a design for a small screen should be made.

9. Optimize for various platforms.

Mobile phones, laptops, and tablets are used by people all over the world. A thumbnail should look like this so that it can be optimized for all users. In a nutshell, user-friendly architecture is the most advantageous.

10. The ideal thumbnail size for YouTube

Before moving on to the fun stuff, let’s start with the basics and figure out what size a thumbnail should be.

According to Google guidelines, an impressive thumbnail should have a size of 1280 pixels by 720 pixels and a minimum width of 640 pixels (1280 720 resolution). Additionally, youtube players and previews benefit from a 16.9 aspect ratio.

Don’t be surprised if Google suggests sizes that are too big. When thumbnails appear in searches, they appear particularly tiny. When used in a large-scale picture, the high quality can be preserved. You don’t want your thumbnail to appear blurry in previews, either.

11. Use the best thumbnail creators.

Do you want to create interesting and enjoyable thumbnails? There are a plethora of online thumbnail creators to choose from, but only you can decide which one is right for you. You may, for example, use Canva, a graphic design tool that can assist you in creating high-quality fonts and images to entice visitors.

6. Learn to optimize your videos for engagement

To start making videos for YouTube, you need to learn to optimise your videos for content.

Not to worry, Danielshustle has got you covered on that.

Here are five simple ways to significantly increase your YouTube Channel’s interaction.

Converse With Your Audience (Be that friend they never knew they needed)

Always keep in mind that you’re addressing people in your videos.

I mean, if you were to start making money from YouTube videos, then you should treat online engagement as if it were a real-life conversation.

And if they are unable to communicate with you, speak to them as if they are. Here are a few tips to help: 

  1. Make your points clear, quick, and easy to understand.
  2. Make a point of emphasizing key steps or advice.
  3. When it’s necessary, use humor (less lecturing and more homour can go a long way)
  4. Reiterate key points to refresh your memory.

Post Content on a Regular Basis

Being a dependable and reliable source of knowledge is a surefire way to build and sustain commitment.

Post frequently to keep your content relevant, current, and, most importantly, useful. Remember that there are thousands of other vloggers vying for the same audience as you. You must ensure that you do not disappoint if you have built a reputation for providing accurate information.

Know Who You’re Talking To

People want what they want when they want it in this age of “fast-food information.” Nothing is more frustrating than watching a video and feeling as though you didn’t get what you paid for.

If you’ve succeeded in breaking the ice and building a rapport, make sure you keep giving them what they want. Continue to be a source of knowledge if you are one.

Continue to entertain if you are a source of entertainment. Remember, people tune in for a reason, and it’s up to you to figure out what that reason is and use it to your advantage.

Encourage people to share, like, and comment.

To start making money from YouTube, engagement is a two-way street that depends on the success of both the video and the audience.

We have noticed if nothing else, that everybody has an opinion in the era of social media sites.

Why not let them express themselves through shares, likes, and comments? It’s perfectly acceptable to say at the end of your video, “If you find this video helpful, please share, like, or comment below.”

This communicates to your audience that their feedback is respected and that you are constantly striving to enhance the quality of the content you offer.

This also gives you the chance to boost your viewership by using social evidence. But if you don’t ask, you might not get it.

Make a “Call to Action”

It’s cool to have someone watch your video, but it shouldn’t be your only concern. Make the most of the audience you’ve built by including a “call to action” at the end of each video.

Simply asking them to subscribe to your YouTube channel or join you on one of the numerous social media sites will suffice.

You may provide a link to your website or your company or service’s NAP (Name, Address, and Phone Number). Consider each and every one of your viewers as an opportunity to be sought.

You can expect a long-term viewership following these easy 5 tips for increasing YouTube interaction, which should result in increased business.

7. Make long videos for watch time to get monetized faster.

Make sure your content development approach focuses on high-quality videos that are highly important to viewer desires and searches to maximize YouTube watch time.

Make high-quality YouTube videos.

Consider this: 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. This should demonstrate how hotly contested watch time is on the web.

Although it might seem self-evident, it is worth repeating: creating high-quality content should be your top priority.

YouTube is full of average (and below-average) content, thanks to its more than two billion users.

Make the most of your YouTube video’s first 15 seconds.

If you don’t have the audience’s attention right away, you won’t have much time to try again. High bounce rates are bad for business and will reduce the watch time significantly.

The first 15 seconds of your video should be entertaining, interesting, and to the point, letting viewers know what to expect from the rest of the video.

This is not the time for lengthy monologues about yourself, your successes, or your company in great detail. If a video is going to be more than a few seconds long, add branding at the end.

Keep in mind that this video is for your audience. If it doesn’t add value to their lives, they won’t watch it — keep that in mind for any video you make.

When you know this, then you can easily start making money from YouTube.

Create openers that are consistent, engaging, and templated across all playlists for performance.

Make sure your YouTube titles and thumbnails are relevant and not misleading.

The title and thumbnail are the first things people see while searching for videos on YouTube. Consider them similar to the connect previews and calls to action (CTAs) in your paid social strategy.

You’ll need a title and thumbnail that grabs their attention but doesn’t lead them astray.


Keep a close eye on the data from your YouTube channel.

For each video you upload to your YouTube channel, you can keep an eye on the Audience Retention report. This will allow you to see if there are any noticeable patterns in terms of audience viewing drop-offs.

If, for example, a significant portion of your viewership drops off within the first 30 seconds of each video, you may want to reconsider your introductions.

The Audience Retention study essentially aids you in avoiding conclusions and focusing on content and production problems more efficiently.

Retention of the audience

To start making money from YouTube, you can use a Cyfe YouTube dashboard to share your YouTube results with your team in addition to YouTube’s native analytics,

You can monitor all of your metrics, including YouTube watch time period and average view percentage, with a Cyfe dashboard.

YouTube dashboard by Cyfe

Target long-tail keywords on YouTube to help you build YouTube content. Once you’ve implemented the above tips, targeting long-tail keywords on YouTube is another way to drive more traffic to your videos and increase watch time.

There are a variety of ways to find long-tail keywords for your content, but one of the most straightforward is to mine YouTube.


We can create targeted, niche content instead of generic content for the keyword “Facebook marketing” if we pay attention to these findings. The less specific your keywords are, the less likely you are to rank high in search results.

Keep in mind that YouTube isn’t just giving you random tips for long-tail keywords. These video subject recommendations are focused on the interests of the viewers.

You will improve your watch time by looking at your competitors’ content in addition to generating content focused on long-tail keywords. What are the keywords they’re using? Is there a way for you to have a unique viewpoint through your content?

8. Get those first 1000 subscribers

Here are ten pointers to help you get your YouTube channel’s first 1000 subscribers.

#1 Make a direct appeal to your target audience to get them to subscribe.

According to one school of thinking, asking for subscribers may seem desperate, even cheesy, but it’s just part of the YouTube cloth. People ask you to slam the button like it’s a button in order to increase the YouTube algorithm and interaction rates. I’ve never received a single complaint about asking for subscribers on one of my videos, and if you never ask, you can never get it.

#2 Make Use of Resources to Boost Subscriber Sign-Ups

Using animations on your videos to make the subscribe button pop is one way to inspire your viewers to subscribe. You can find a plethora of information on the internet. Simply try what works for you, and you may notice an increase in your subscriber count.

#3 Make the Most of Your Watermark Design

Our next move will be to use our watermark branding. Viewers who click on this icon are directed to your YouTube channel, where they can subscribe after seeing more of your content. It’s edited and built on the Creator Studio’s branding website. Make sure your icon includes the word “Subscribe,” and don’t put it at the beginning or end of your video. 30 to 45 seconds into the video, you want it to serve as a visual diversion.

#4 Add a Subscribe Call to Action to Your End Screen

Although you won’t be able to add subscription links to YouTube Cards during your video, you can add a subscribe button to the end screen. Experiment with graphics and animations to create a powerful call to action (CTA).

#5 Make use of an auto-subscription URL

After that, there’s a cool little trick. Add a command to the end of your YouTube channel page, such as confirmation=1 if you post it. Before visiting your YouTube channel page, users are prompted to subscribe to your channel automatically when they click on it.

#6 Ask for Subscribers with a Pinned Comment

Writing a message and then pinning it to your videos is another way to explicitly cater to your audience for a subscription. When you do so, the pinned message rises to the top of the list of comments. On occasion, I believe that sincerity is the best policy. Be open and honest in your communication. Explain why you’re pinning these comments and asking for subscriptions to your blog. Perhaps you want to put the money you make back into the channel by purchasing new equipment or goods.

#7 Include a CTA to Subscribe in Your Video Description

You may also apply a similar message to all of your videos’ video descriptions.

#8 Participate in the YouTube Community

You can also reach out to a whole new audience by adding value to existing networks. That may be anything as simple as watching their content and leaving amazing comments that get pinned or liked by the channel creator and start a discussion. When people participate in those discussions, they might think to themselves, “This video maker might have some value on their site.” As a result, aim to draw a new audience that will enjoy and subscribe to your content.

#9 Publish content on a consistent and regular basis.

Our next point may seem self-evident, but it bears repeating. Post new material on a regular basis. It can only take one video to persuade some viewers to subscribe to your channel. Others, on the other hand, might watch a video and enjoy it, but they do not subscribe. Then they see a never-before-seen video from you on their YouTube homepage, watch it, enjoy it, and say, “Yes, I’ve seen a few videos from this person. Their material appeals to me. I’m going to sign up.”

#10 Build a welcoming homepage for your YouTube channel.

Make sure your channel homepage is very welcoming, in keeping with the trend of motivating viewers to become subscribers. Use a channel trailer, a good overview of what your channel does, a good channel banner, and, of course, a lot of playlists that remind the audience what your channel is all about. Share the playlist video connection while you’re sharing videos. This means that when someone watches your video, they’re in the context of your playlist. They can watch more videos from your channel that they enjoy and eventually subscribe.

9. Stay consistent.

Making a timetable is a simple method to be consistent. People will know when to expect your films, and you will have a system in place to hold yourself accountable. YouTube also encourages persistent channels by elevating them in the search and suggested lists.

Here are some crucial considerations to remember when it comes to submitting your YouTube videos on a regular basis.

● Create a simple routine. So for my vlog, I shoot and edit from my phone in a quiet office studio. I won’t have to waste time transferring footage from one device to another, then editing, publishing, and uploading it. Having all of my work on my phone allows me to do everything on one device.
● Is it possible for your material to revolve around issues that you are enthusiastic about and that are relevant to your experience, making it simple to develop films around them? Because that’s all you can think about and eat during the day. Keep a notebook on hand to jot down ideas or notes as they occur to you throughout the day.
● Instead of stopping with just one video, make a couple more when you have the time. Meanwhile, reduce your upload or publishing schedule so that you always have a pair of videos in your channel ready to go when you need them.

10. Do collabos with other new creators in your niche

Collaborations can be an effective approach to reach out to new audiences. Make connections to reach a larger audience.

Because there are millions of YouTubers, finding the appropriate individual to collaborate with shouldn’t be difficult — if you can cut through the noise and discover the appropriate folks.

Google offers a group dedicated to potential YouTube partners. Browse the many posts and profiles to determine which members of the community best match your requirements for a collaborator.

You can also locate your next partner by joining online communities like YTTalk and TheYouTubeCommunity. These online communities are vibrant and active, so finding someone to collaborate with should be simple.

Create a list of potential collaborators with their contact information at this point so you can go through them one by one when you’re ready to reach out.


Video is consuming the internet, and as a video creator, YouTube is a fantastic way to have your work seen. The remuneration through AdSense, on the other hand, is pitiful, with the top earners taking over 90% of the pie. So, depending on what makes sense for your YouTube channel, try out a few different monetization tactics.

Also, don’t establish a YouTube channel solely to make money because things can quickly get out of hand. To be able to put in the hard effort and push through growth plateaus, you should enjoy making films.

Simultaneously, don’t wait years to make money (or try to get millions of views). Start by providing video editing or other services, and you’ll be able to generate various streams of income.

Also, keep in mind that in order to make any money from YouTube, you must adhere to the community guidelines. To avoid getting into trouble, avoid creating spammy, hateful, or copyright-infringing content, as well as anything else that could be reported.

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