How to Make Money with Memes on Instagram (a Full Guide)

How to Make Money with Memes on Instagram

If you spend a lot of time on the internet or on social networking sites like Facebook, you’ve probably seen photos with funny captions, often known as memes.

Well, I’m here to give you a full guide on How to Make Money with Memes on Instagram.

Memes, as we all know, have become a permanent presence on the internet these days.

They’re amusing, thought-provoking, philosophical, and even divisive.

And I’m sure you didn’t believe you could earn money off of memes, did you?

Reconsider your position.

If you’re interested in learning how to make money using memes, keep reading.

What Exactly Is A Meme?

A meme is a captioned photo or video that uses social media to link people with a culturally relevant message.

A Meme

Memes have become a key part of viral marketing, according to SproutSocial.

Memes are frequently shared and uploaded on social media in order to induce laughter.

Memes, on the other hand, aren’t only produced or circulated for the sake of amusement.

Even companies use memes to provide amusing material, show off their personalities, and improve audience engagement.

While most of us like memes for a good chuckle, it’s reasonable to assume that some people have found methods to profit from them.

How To Design Successful Memes

Before we get into how to make money with memes in-depth, I feel it’s critical to first understand how to generate lucrative memes.

Because the objective of this essay is to shine a light on monetizing memes, it’s critical to go beyond our enjoyment of memes as amusing or thought-provoking.

  • Build a following on social media

If you want to make money from memes, you must first grasp the function of social media in the process.

Memes, as we all know, are popular on social media.

A meme may be compared to a family member who lives under the house of social media.

Memes can no longer live and spread without a sturdy roof.

That is why I feel it is critical to increasing your social media following in order for your memes to reach a wider audience.

Thankfully, social media has simplified the process of sharing and retweeting memes.

  • Make or share memes that are popular with your target audience.

Although memes may be made about anything, it’s best to focus on a certain specialty and build memes around it.

The type of audience you want to target will also be determined by your specialization.

Memes about parenting, for example, will appeal to parents, while memes about dogs will appeal to dogs owners.

Make or share memes

If you make and share memes about fashion, for example, a dog-owning audience will be uninterested.

With that in mind, can you imagine the level of interaction or conversation cat memes generate among cat owners?

Yes, the correct sort of material will encourage better dialogue and interaction with the right audience.

  • Make Sure Your Memes Are Safe

Memes are widely circulated on social media.

In fact, one of the indicators of virality is the number of shares.

If you created an original meme and shared it on social media, you should watermark it with your social media account to prove ownership.

This way, even if someone tries to steal your meme or keeps repeating it, your social network account is credited.

Memes: 5 Legit Ways To Make Money

  1. Create An Instagram Page Devoted To Memes

Instagram is one of the finest venues to advertise and profit from memes.

Instagram Page Devoted To Memes

But the issue is, how can you make money on Instagram using memes?

Because memes are graphic in nature, and Instagram is primarily a visual medium, combining the two is a winning mix.

The objective of starting a meme Instagram profile is to expand it to the point where it becomes an influencer.

As a result, the more fans and followers you have on your meme page, the more businesses will take notice of you.

You may charge them a fee to advertise their brands on your page.

They may also approach you and request an advertisement.

In any case, this is how you generate money on Instagram with a meme page.

Each sponsored post has a cost, and the more followers you have, the better for your bank account.

Brands, on the other hand, don’t merely look for ads on random meme accounts.

You and the brand should, at the very least, share a target demographic.

  1. Create Brands’ Memes

Brands are catching up with the times, and they’ve realized that memes are an important part of their entire marketing strategy.

Consider Gucci as an example.

This well-known luxury company created its own Instagram meme campaign, #TFWGucci, which stands for “That Feel When Gucci.”

Gucci collaborated with some of the industry’s finest meme makers, like Sebastian Thibbie Matheson, who was paid $2,000 for his efforts.

This simply implies that even the most well-known businesses have learned to value memes as part of their new marketing efforts, and they’re ready to pay a premium for the best meme producers.

Create Brands' Memes

While you may not reach this level straight away, I just want to highlight that producing memes may be a viable source of income.

  1. Find Jobs For Meme Creators On Fiverr

You can sell memes on Fiverr if producing memes on Gucci’s level is too far out of reach right now.

To save money, small and medium-sized businesses frequently outsource their marketing requirements to Fiverr and comparable services.

You can also earn money by producing memes for these companies.

A situation like this might work in your favor.

You may establish a free account on Fiverr, create a profile, and begin selling your meme creation skills.

Having a portfolio ready to offer potential clients is beneficial.

You may get permanent or project-based work and generate money with memes from here.

  1. Create And Sell Products Based On Memes

Memes have become a common occurrence in our daily lives.

Those that know how to profit from memes, on the other hand, are aware that their possibilities are not limited to their computers.

Instead, they use their memes as inspiration, build a tangible product, and then sell it.

Check out which memes have received the most interaction if you already have a meme Instagram account.

Take that meme and turn it into a tangible item.

Create And Sell Products Based On Memes

Take a look at the success of the nut button meme if you need some ideas.

The internet’s popular nut button meme prompted two recent college grads to create a real-life nut button.

They’ve sold almost $200,000 worth of products!

Where can you sell your meme-based merchandise?

In a variety of places!

  • Instagram business account:

If you’ve previously turned your Instagram account into a company account, you may use it as a shopping platform.

  • Etsy:

Just like any other product, offer your meme merchandise on Etsy.

To enhance exposure, sprinkle SEO keywords throughout the description.

  • Your own website:

You may set up your own online store and sell your goods there.

Link your website to all of your meme social media sites to improve visibility.

Here you may create your own website for only $2.75 per month.

  • Online marketplaces:

You may also sell your items on Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Craigslist, and Poshmark, among other online markets.

  1. Create Memes For A Pod Company

You can still make money from memes by starting a print-on-demand business if you don’t want to deal with the physical logistics of manufacturing and selling a real product.

The POD business concept has gained traction in recent years, and you may profit from memes by developing them.

Printful, Printify, and Teelaunch are just a few of the POD systems that have already connected with Shopify.

Memes For A Pod Company

Working on such sites has the benefit that all you have to do is come up with amazing memes and post them on these networks.

The platform takes over when someone requests a shirt with your meme design.

Manufacturing, shipping, and customer service will all be taken care of for you.

There are five things that meme accounts get right when it comes to Instagram marketing.

  1. They understand the significance of a well-written caption.

When done effectively, Instagram captions generate interaction, and this is an area where meme accounts excel.

Their descriptions are often short and straightforward, making them easy to read even as you browse through your feed.

Brief captions are always completely shown, allowing visitors to read the whole message without having to leave the stream.

Meme captions can offer a new dimension to the comedy in the photo or video.

Many accounts utilize longer text to convey tales or engage with followers, and others even use their captions to share blog-like content.

Long captions can be successful, but they demand more participation from your viewers.

Short captions can perform just as effectively for engagement as long captions, as seen by meme accounts.

  1. They have a consistent composition.

The meme aesthetic is easily identifiable: famous pictures or funny photos with text overlay or atop the image.

Text or screencaps from Twitter or Tumblr are sometimes used.

When you see one, though, you immediately recognize it as a meme.

The recognizable nature of meme postings demonstrates the importance of consistency in developing an Instagram brand.

Before they even check your account, you want your followers to know they’re reading a post or Story from you.

Some meme accounts have adopted a more traditional “Instagram” design, resulting in a hybrid style known as meme-and-theme accounts.

consistent composition

They’re like well-wrapped joke gifts, and they’re particularly popular among teenagers.

Meme-and-theme accounts also imply that some artists are attempting to differentiate themselves from their peers by creating a more distinctive appearance, something a little more attractive than Lisa Simpson and her coffee.

  1. They are noticeable.

You’re not alone if you experience a sense of déjà vu when reading through your feed.

Because of the strength of visual trends, Instagram photos are starting to appear the same.

@insta repeat, an account that chronicles common themes on the site, has captured this well.

This formula is broken by meme accounts.

Their postings aren’t very attractive, but they stand out since they don’t look like anything else.

In reality, the unappealing appearance of meme pictures is frequently deliberate, an Instagram version of “Internet Ugly.”

This distinguishes them from posts with comparable material.

On Instagram, you’ve undoubtedly seen a million lovely dog photographs.

But how frequently do you come across anything like this?

Although a windblown beach dog may not be appropriate for your brand, the message remains the same: standing out from the crowd may pay you.

  1. They generate information that may be shared

Every company wants its content to be shared widely.

generate information that may be shared

Most people try to do this by producing high-quality content, such as fantastic blog entries, attractive photos, and instructive emails.

However, most meme accounts rely on easily accessible, instantly identifiable stupidity.

Their jokes are successful because they are relevant and draw on a well of popular culture that the majority of their fans are familiar with.

This is a great technique for audience development, in addition to piling up positive engagement.

Users tagging friends who will find the memes amusing are common in the comments section of meme posts.

Once they’ve stopped laughing, those pals are likely to press the follow button.

  1. They collaborate with brands that share their values.

Meme accounts may (and do!) post sponsored content, which may surprise you.

They’re appealing partners for brands because of their large, highly engaged audiences.

Furthermore, they excel at sponsored content.

Their sponsored pieces were always well-integrated into their overall content plan.

Because meme accounts are adept at selecting mates who share their beliefs, this is the case.

Because meme accounts are published so frequently, sponsored material never takes precedence in their stream.

Instead, they provide a nice mix of original material and advertisements.

collaborate with brands


It is feasible to make money using memes.

If this is something you like doing and are good at, I strongly advise you to attempt this job!

It doesn’t take much to get started, and it’s highly adaptable.

In reality, free graphic design sites like Canva may help you make your memes.

You may work on this project in your spare time and from anywhere around the world.

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