How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Fast (Get the First 10,000 Subscribers)

How to grow your YouTube channel fast

I will walk you through the process of growing your YouTube channel fast and also how to go about getting 10,000 YouTube subscribers even faster.

So, without further ado, let’s get right into it.

How to Increase the Number of YouTube Subscribers

Are you ready to take your channel to the next level?
Then, let’s get started with the nine strategies to get 10,000 subscribers.

1. To get more YouTube subscribers, give your channel a theme

YouTube channel theme

To get more YouTube subscribers on your channel, you should give your channel a theme before you do anything else.

When you look at several of the most popular YouTube channels, you’ll find that they all have a similar theme. It’s simpler to generate consistent YouTube content when you have a theme.

You may also make your channel the “go-to” location for certain content. A social media platform’s objective is to achieve this.

People who are passionate about a certain specialty would want to subscribe to your channel if it caters to that niche. Consider the case where your videos are all about Facebook marketing and you’re trying to assist business owners.

If a company owner subscribes to your YouTube channel and wants to learn more about Facebook marketing, they’ll be notified whenever you upload new content.

This allows them to stay ahead of the game without putting forth a lot of effort.

If you’re having trouble coming up with a theme for your channel, consider the issues your company solves and the people for whom it solves those problems.

Then, depending on the themes you know will benefit the individuals your company serves, create videos.

2. Create amazing content to attract YouTube subscribers

Create content on YouTube

Video converts better than other types of media, according to several marketers. You must understand how to generate amazing content on your media platform if you want to increase conversions.

Plus, if you can generate amazing content, you’ve already done a lot of the legwork in terms of increasing your subscriber base.

People who subscribe to your channel are effectively signing up to get notifications anytime new content is published.

People won’t mind hearing from you repeatedly if your content is good because their first encounter with you and your content was pleasant.

It’s worth viewing your videos, whether for educational purposes, amusement purposes, or both. Also, keep in mind that consumers are willing to view high-quality content.

54 percent of people want to see more video content from marketers, according to Hubspot. This is an excellent basis for your media platform, which will allow you to develop your social networks.

If your content is good, you’ll profit from the fact that 54% of senior executives share it with their social media networks.

So, how can you create amazing content that entices visitors to subscribe and share it? Begin by creating content that is relevant to your intended audience.

It shouldn’t be too difficult to come up with a way to generate useful content if you keep to a topic, as previously indicated.

3. Improve the quality of your YouTube videos’ production

Although production quality should not be a primary concern, it might help you gain more YouTube followers after a certain point.

You’re doing a good job if your videos are valuable and give the audience the information. When the videos start to pay off, you may concentrate more on the production quality.

4. Improve the quality of your YouTube videos using video editing

You have a few options when it comes to video editing. When we talk about video editing, we’re talking about improving the style of your videos rather than fixing tiny flaws.

When filming your video, you’ll almost certainly make some little errors. You don’t need to spend a lot of effort eliminating these parts because they don’t have much of an impact on your video.

They may even benefit your video by letting others realize that they’re dealing with a genuine person rather than a sleazy media marketing marketer.

When you need to make cuts in your video or add a title screen, editing comes in useful.

You may hire someone from Upwork or even Fiverr if you’re not a skilled video editor.

You may also invest in a video editing package and learn how to do everything yourself.

That technique may save you a little more money, but you’ll likely spend a lot more time learning how to edit movies on your own as a result. This detracts from your media marketing efforts.

Depending on your circumstances, that might not be the greatest trade-off. As previously said, you don’t want to over-edit your videos, but you do want to give them a distinct style that sets you apart from the competition.

Having custom intro music and a custom title screen is often the simplest method to do this. Another approach to creating amazing content is to make videos depending on how your product is utilized.

Demonstration videos may help you sell your product by demonstrating its benefits. You may even make videos out of some of your blog posts. Almost 59 percent of CEOs would prefer to watch a video rather than read a long piece of text.

So, there you have it: the fundamentals of generating amazing content. If you want to ensure that your YouTube subscriber rates rise consistently over time, the next step is critical.

5. Post Frequently and Consistently on YouTube to Increase Views

This is perhaps the most difficult aspect of developing a YouTube following, but it is also one of the most crucial.

Every month, the typical company uploads 18 YouTube videos. Consistently posting content is a fantastic strategy to stay competitive.

Plus, if you’re continuously releasing fresh content, people will be more likely to subscribe and share it on social media.

People are less inclined to subscribe if you aren’t going to upload any new stuff – after all, why should they?

It’s not difficult to come up with new content ideas if you follow the advice given previously. All you have to do is make a timetable and stick to it.

How Frequently Should You Update Your YouTube Channel?

Look at what your competitors are doing and one-up them if you want to keep things simple. Aim for three times a week if they only publish twice a week.

The best strategy, on the other hand, is sometimes the one you can stick to.

It’s critical to maintain consistency in your media marketing strategy if you want to keep existing subscribers coming back for more. This will increase YouTube views while also increasing interaction.

You’d like to increase interaction in each of these categories using any social media platform in an ideal world.

People like to interact with content on YouTube – did you know that over 100 million people use YouTube every week to perform a “social action”?

Another astounding figure is that 700 videos are shared on Twitter every minute. While YouTube is not a social media network, it is an important component of any social media marketing strategy.

The video will be more prominent in the YouTube search engine if there is a lot of activity. This will increase the number of people who see your video and may become subscribers.

You may utilize the YouTube analytics dashboard to get basic information about how your videos are performing.

To regularly upload content, you don’t need to be in front of a computer. This is because you may take advantage of Google’s scheduling function.

You must first enable monetization for your videos to use this function. This indicates that you are prepared to have advertisements appear on your videos.

Don’t worry if you don’t want advertising to appear in your videos. You have complete control over which videos are monetized and which are not.

6.Think about breaking up long videos into many short ones

If you’re having trouble coming up with new ideas regularly, consider breaking up longer videos into numerous shorter ones.

You’ll probably cover numerous points regarding one primary topic in a long video.

You may cut out specific things and then use those topics to make small videos. Shorter videos are easier to share on social media sites.

In fact, Hubspot discovered that the ideal video duration for their audience on YouTube is two minutes.

Short videos may be a wonderful approach to introduce people to your channel and create your media marketing strategy by giving them a sample of your content.

7. Make YouTube videos that are evergreen

Creating evergreen content is a wonderful method to continually gain subscribers.

These are videos that will be important whether you watch them now or in five years. Some niches will be more affected than others.

Examine your niche to determine whether you can produce “how-to” videos that will endure the test of time.

Even if you don’t intend to generate perpetual content, making ‘how-to’ videos might be beneficial.

8. Optimize Your Videos for More Subscribers on YouTube

Anyone who wants to subscribe to your channel must first watch one of your videos.

No matter how amazing your video is, it will face competition from other videos once it appears in the YouTube search engine or sidebar.

So, how do you persuade people to watch your video?

The headline, thumbnail, and description are the three places where you should concentrate your efforts.

These three factors will most influence whether or not YouTube visitors will click on your videos. Make sure the meta tag is useful and contains important information.

This is because they will improve your YouTube search engine results. They’ll also make it easier for people to click on your videos and share them on social media.

Clicks can also be driven by YouTube playlists and cards.

9. Get Your YouTube Viewers Involved

Engaging with your audience and building a community is another strategy to increase your YouTube subscriber counts. This may be done in several different ways.

Respond to Viewer Comments on YouTube

Engaging people by responding to comments is a simple — yet powerful — method to do it. This will demonstrate to YouTube viewers that you care about what they have to say. Furthermore, the fact that you are making this effort may persuade them to subscribe.

It’s even possible to claim that this is customer service labor that improves the consumer experience.

When you look at it through that lens, you can see how 22% of individuals write nice things about a company on social media after first posting something bad – all because they received a reply.

If you receive any unfavorable comments on your YouTube videos, respond as soon as possible.

Because others notice this connection and enjoy the fact that you engage, this might increase YouTube subscribers.

Organize a Q&A session.

You may use Google Hangouts on Air or YouTube Live to do this. You may even just ask viewers to leave their questions in the comments area at the end of a video.

After that, you might spend some time in the following video going through the questions you got.

Inquire about the preferences of the audience.

Another method to engage your audience is to make films that are tailored to their preferences. You might, for example, run a survey to ask your audience what topics they’d want to hear you discuss.

You may then make a video based on one of the viewers’ recommendations and thank them in the video.

Think about teaming up with other YouTube video creators.

You also have the option of establishing collaborations with others in your field to increase subscription numbers.

Collaborations may significantly increase the effectiveness of your video marketing initiatives. If you approach things correctly, you may find yourself among the 18% of businesses that consider their video marketing to be “extremely effective.”

Finding channels with a comparable audience is the best way to go about it. The two of you might then plan an occasion where you can profit from each other’s companionship.

You must urge people to subscribe to your channel when you collaborate. Also, make sure the videos you release right after the cooperation are fantastic so that people would want to subscribe.

Interviews are a great way to get more people to subscribe to your YouTube channel.

Consider doing interviews on your channel instead. You’ll be able to draw their audience to your channel if you can discover a method to interview the top individuals in your field.

You’ll have a better chance of attracting these chances if your channel has a significant amount of subscribers. Of course, you should not let a lack of subscribers prevent you from trying.

Send an email to a few individuals you think might be interesting to have on your channel and ask if they’d be willing to be a guest.

Whether they say no, politely inquire if they’d be interested in doing a program once your channel has more subscribers. See if they can give you an approximate amount that they are comfortable with.

You don’t want to be impolite, but there’s nothing wrong with requesting a possible future solution.


Underestimating YouTube’s potential is a major mistake.

Knowing how to grow your YouTube channel fast and increasing your subscriber count is one of the keys to sustained YouTube success — but don’t fall for the buy YouTube followers scams.

Instead, focus on producing excellent content that will entice your audience to return for more. Then, using eye-catching images and compelling titles, get visitors to click on your content.

You may then offer a subscription when they eventually click on your video. Once you’ve mastered the foundations, you may go on to more advanced topics like partnerships and YouTube ads.

If you put in enough work, you’ll see your subscriber numbers rise, which can lead to increased website clicks and other benefits. Now all you have to do is get started!

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