How to find keywords for YouTube (a full guide)

youtube keyword research

With about two billion users monthly and a presence in over 100 countries, everyone is searching for how to find keywords for YouTube as it has become the major platform for marketers.

YouTube which was acquired by Google in 2006 is regarded as the second largest search engine in the world, you shouldn’t be surprised, after all, the online video sharing platform is the most used video-sharing platform.

The platform allows its users the opportunity to get entertained through their smartphones, tabs, laptops, and other visual gadgets. You can hardly find anyone who does not use YouTube to watch videos online.

This is why it is important that you know how to find keywords on YouTube. However, put your mind to rest, Danielshustle has got you covered.

About YouTube

YouTube provides their users with a wide list of categories ranging from movies, television shows, trailers, live events, music videos the list goes on.

In addition to the thrilling experience on the platform, they also provide an avenue for marketers through various tools and means. Now, a study has it that visuals are a very effective means of disseminating information compared to text, as 60 to 65% of people learn faster and better with the use of videos as it aids retention of information.

Videos allow you to convey whatever type of advertisement- informative, persuasive, competitive, or mass advertisement. Videos are widely used content for fun, entertainment, and marketing.

However, video marketing is relatively expensive and competitive but by using the right keyword research strategy for YouTube, you could rank your YouTube videos and increase your earnings progressively.

Many YouTube channels are earning huge amounts of money as a study shows that the channels earning six figures hiked by 40% year over year.

You too can partake from the benefits of ranking on youtube by finding the right keywords for YouTube. In this post, Danielshustle will dish out a comprehensive guide on how to find keywords for YouTube and up your marketing strategy with optimized youtube keywords.

But first, what is YouTube keywords and why are they important?

What is YouTube channel Keyword?

YouTube channel keywords are simply terms or phrases that give YouTube information and insights about your channel. In a simpler sense, YouTube keywords inform YouTube about your content, who you are, what your channel is all about, and your targeted audiences.

YouTube channel keywords, if properly harnessed can increase your channel’s visibility on the video platform. Additionally, YouTube tags are not the same as YouTube keywords.

YouTube tags which are also known as video tags are texts or phrases that give YouTube more information about a video on your channel. They are known as terms that give YouTube deep insight into your channel which includes; your videos, your channel niche, and also who your audiences are.

However, both YouTube channel keywords and YouTube video tags are SEO tools for your videos on YouTube.

Why is YouTube channel keywords important?

Google search engine uses keyword analytics to deliver results to their user’s YouTube being a product of Google is no different as YouTube is also a search engine that makes use of channel keywords analytics to deliver the optimum video content to users.

Having an optimized channel keyword will increase your channel ranking on YouTube, as well as drive more traffic and views on your videos. Youtube channel keywords are extremely important to increase your channel’s ranking on YouTube search, and bringing your videos to the right audiences at a minimum cost, and generating maximum results.

Hence, YouTube keyword research is where the great deal is.

How to find YouTube channel keywords?

The first thing you should consider before going on the hunt for YouTube keywords is your audiences, you should know who your audiences are and what they are interested in.

After knowing your audiences, then you can start off by creating amazing video content tailored to their needs.

Another key thing to consider is how your audiences search videos on YouTube. For instance, you own a store where you sell perfumes and other bodily deodorants “nice ladies perfumes” is a keyword with a lot of search volume and this is a short-tail keyword.

If you know your audience is mainly ladies looking for ladies’ perfumes, then you can leverage this by using a long-tail keyword like “ladies perfumes with romantic fragrance”.

When targeting your videos on youtube, using optimized youtube keywords can help you do the trick by generating many views, likes, and comments on your videos.

Don’t fall into the misinformation out there that YouTube SEO is the same as Google SEO. What I mean is that YouTube search volumes are not the same as Google search volumes.

Many of the digital marketing tools people post out there promise to scale up your traffic but majorly focus on google search volumes. So Use keyword research tools that suit YouTube search volumes.

YouTube keywords research tools

For all intents and purposes, here are some of the YouTube keyword research tools that will help you find the top-ranking keywords on YouTube according to your channel’s niche.

1. Obtaining keywords from VidIQ

Vidiq YouTube keywords research

VidIQ comes in handy when finding YouTube keywords for your channel because VidIQ has a specific YouTube keyword research section that allows you to enter keywords which the tool then expands the list of keyword ideas specifically to your input.

VidIQ gives you a total picture of the keyword you input by giving you insights on the search volume and the competition score of each keyword respectively. You can then go ahead with competitive keywords while choosing the best keywords for YouTube.

2. Using YouTube autocomplete

YouTube autocomplete

Using YouTube autocomplete involves you typing words on the YouTube search bar and then, YouTube completes the words or highlights suggested words.

YouTube autocomplete quite works like google autocomplete, so you can dig deep by entering keywords on the YouTube search bar, pull out suggested keywords, and after you find your desired suggested keyword, play with the keywords by adding to the last word.

You can also make use of Google trends to check the popularity of the keyword then change the type of search to YouTube search this way the keyword will align with the trending ones.

3. Keywords from Ahref keywords explorer

find keywords on YouTube with AHREF

Powered by clickstream data, Ahref gives insights on the clicks, local search volume, global search volume, etc. Ahref keyword explorer is a widely used tool for YouTube keyword research.

You just have to choose YouTube as a search engine enter your keyword then Ahref will show you suggested keywords and how many clicks, the local and global search volume those keywords has generated.

4. YT cockpit

YT cockpit is another effective tool used for YouTube keyword research this YouTube-centered tool provides keyword suggestions and draws insights and data from Google suggest, Google Adwords, and YouTube autocomplete. YT cockpit is a great YouTube keywords research tool and comes in handy when optimizing YouTube keywords.

5. YouTube analytics

YouTube analytics is also another effective tool for YouTube keywords research, you can access YouTube analytics by simply going to YouTube studios, then click analytics, and then click on reach viewers.

Many people often ignore the potential of YouTube analytics. Youtube analytics provides you with the exact keywords your audience used to reach your channel, you can analyze these reports and find missed words I mean words you are not using work on this and you can scale your traffic.

How to find keywords for YouTube

In your bid to find channel keywords by using keywords research tools there are also some other strategies that can help do the trick.

1. Do a good competitor analysis

You can do this by analyzing your competitor’s channel find out the keywords that worked for them, while doing this it’s important you select the competitor’s channel that has the same subscribers as yours.

Click on the video tab and sort these videos by their popularity. Find out the title and description they used in their videos this is a very effective method to get a good number of keywords on YouTube.

You can as well use the TubeBuddy chrome extension when browsing through a video this will simply show you the exact title used in that video.

2. Make use of LSI keywords

The fact that youtube SEO is not the same as google SEO doesn’t mean you can’t source traffic to your YouTube channel from google. LSI keywords are great for target audiences.

To get LSI keywords to enter a keyword in your google search bar scroll down to the bottom of the google page you will see a list of related keyword suggestions that are your LSI keywords. By using this LSI keyword you can increase your YouTube channel ranking and generate traffic to your channel from google.

3. Use video tags

Youtube tags are useful for keyword research on youtube. YouTube tags help you to categorize your videos by keywords, be aware that YouTube limits the number of tags you can include. Remember the long-tail keywords I talked about, use multiple tags I.e long-tail keywords that are precisely related to your video’s topic.

You can also make use of single-word tags and broad-term tags that broadly relates to your video topics. YouTube algorithm semantically understands your tags.

YouTube Tags

So a good example of YouTube tags is said you need some tags for a DIY video about “how to make customized T-shirts”.

Single-words tags

  1. How
  2. Make
  3. Customized
  4. T-shirts
  5. Ways

Multiple-words tags:

  1. How to make customized t-shirts
  2. Materials you need to make customized t-shirts
  3. A step-by-step guide to making customized t-shirts
  4. Making t-shirts

Broad-term tags

  1. Customizing
  2. Making
  3. Designing
  4. Customizing t-shirt.

A good way to get tag ideas for your videos is by doing a good competitor analysis, find top-ranking videos related to your video on youtube.

However, YouTube hides video tags that withhold you from spying on your competitors’ keywords and tags.

However, there are other tools that can help do the trick such as the tools and some of these tools I have mentioned – VidIQ and Tubebuddy.

These two video software are great to find tag ideas from your competitors both software have a free and premium subscription.


Optimizing YouTube keywords to generate maximum results is a day job it’s a great deal of effort that takes time. There are many digital marketing tools and blog posts that claim to rank your YouTube page in a jiffy avoid such.

I strongly believe that if you use the above tools and procedures that I have listed in this post you will find optimized youtube keywords and your videos will begin to progressively rank on YouTube.

Nevertheless, you are not limited to the above youtube keywords research tools, in addition to the YouTube keywords research tools I highlighted, there are other viable tools to find YouTube keywords it all depends on your choice. But keep in mind that you can not scramble your channel to the top you need to put in the work.

I hope you find the information you need in this post have a successful journey on your bid to find optimized YouTube keywords.

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