How to make 6 figures without college

How to make 6 figures without college

How to make 6 figures without college? This is the question on the minds of many.

Also, many persons have surfed the Internet, looking for answers to this question.

However, in this article, I’ll be showing you a full guide on how to make 6 figures without a college degree.

Yes! You can make such a cool amount, 6 figures kind of amount of money without having to bag a college degree.

My name is Daniel Umeh of Danielshustle and I have been in the “make money online” space for about 4 years now, making money and teaching other people how they too can make money online.

You know that feeling you get when you receive a credit alert? Like you can feel every of your cell widening up in a big fat smile, and you just feel like floating away.

Now imagine you get to constantly receive that smile every time because you didn’t stop pushing against the odds of life but kept working judiciously.

I can show you how. So, without further ado, let’s get right into it!

It is a well-known fact that education is pretty expensive. Not to mention advancing to gaining a Bachelor’s degree. 

Imagine choosing careers, where you will have to go further with studying and in the acquisition of skills via several experiences you would be subjected to undergo, and you will have to pay for every one of them.

While it is true that having a college degree gives you an ample advantage in the labor market and can easily get you a 60% chance of getting a good-paying job, I must say, however, one can still get jobs that can pay one so much as a 6 figures amount without one having to attend a college.

Several white-collar jobs can pay you a 6 figures amount as your salary and do not require you to have attended a college.

But before we discuss these jobs, let’s answer the question, what is a six-figure income, and how plausible is it to earn such an amount without a college degree?

What is a six-figure income?

In the corporate world, earning a six-figure means that you are earning between $100,000 – $900,000 per year.

Meaning that in 52 weeks which has a total of 2080 hours, one is to make up to $48 per hour to meet up to $100,000.

This is far above the federal minimum wage standard of $7.25 per hour, as the Department of Labour placed.

This is to say that every other factor like taxes, days you wouldn’t be paid because you probably took time off, bonuses, overtime amongst others, by their subtraction and addition would give you this figure, that is, an average of, $48 per hour.

Sounds unachievable without a college degree you may want to shout out right now? But hold your breath.

Our incomes can be very much affected by our salaries and if making a 6 figures amount of income even without a college degree is the goal, then, our salaries must be something we must be deliberate about.

Salary is that money, how much you are paid, more often than not, monthly, by your employer.

Seeing that your salary is the easiest way to affect your income very well, you must be deliberate about it.

One of these deliberate ways is to first sort out jobs that would pay well. Remember, the goal is to make 6 figures as your income at the end of the year and if this is achievable, why not? Therefore, you should be on the outlook for those jobs that would pay you well.

Also, you should ensure that these jobs are jobs that you are passionate about. Things you are passionate about are those things you would give your very best at.

There is just something about being passionate, it cannot be hidden. People would see you carrying on with your work with so much doggedness, hard work, and zeal that they cannot just look away from but would rather commend, and if there be any opening would easily recommend you.

People would rather commend the efficient delivery of works than the size of your portfolio.

You can make 6 figures without college but much would be needed from you. Well, not much per se. I would rather say, it will be required of you to work hard, be skillful, and consistent.

Jobs That Pay Six-figures Without College

Here are some jobs, carefully sorted out, that payout six-figure salaries.



As non-sophisticated as this job may seem, bartending could be quite a lucrative job you may want to consider in realizing that 6 figure income.

Being a bartender does not require a college degree but it does require certain skills such as good listening, friendly communication, and the ability to memorize things as fast as possible; and also techniques like flair tending, shaking, throwing amongst others.

Bartending can be that job for you; where you could make a 6 figures amount of salary with the right amount of energy and connections. (I mean knowing a good bar or event that would need a Bartender)

Detectives, Criminal Investigators, and Police Officers.

police officer

With the increase in crimes and odious criminal acts, the police department is one department that needs more hands to help keep sanity in society. This department is ready to pay very well to see that they have enough of these hands.

Although a college degree is not a criterion to apply for this job, it can, however, be necessary to scale up the different phases that are available.

With the attending of the Police academy, of which gaining a position as an officer is needed, you can be fit to become a Police officer if the drillings and requirements in the academy are met.

Electrical/electronic Repairers, Power-house and Substation.


Everyone loves chilling out on a holiday with their Television sets, video games, and their Air Conditioners or Heaters (depending on what side of the world you are in) properly functioning; and if there be any malfunctioning they fix it!

People would readily pay for their comfortability; and should you be skilled with electricity or electronics, you are that one they would pay.

Therefore, being an electrical/ electronic repairer or working with the powerhouse or substation could afford you the opportunity to be well paid.

IT Managers

IT Managers

Having a college degree as some IT personnel do can be advantageous but it is not always necessary.

With the internet gaining a stronghold on the market today, companies need their network and as well as their website running smoothly and unhindered and will pay a lot to keep them so.

IT managers make a huge amount of money by ensuring that they have their network and website running smoothly with their skillfulness in this field.

Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers


Being a commercial pilot can bring all your fantasies to reality; traveling across the world, meeting different people and of course earning up to $100,000 per year or even more!

So it is always for the Air Traffic Controllers. You can get to earn as much as even without having a college degree as long as you can keep up with the numerous demands and stress that come with the job.

Radiation Therapist

Radiation Therapist

You may want to raise an eyebrow here but wait a bit, being a Radiation therapist is not medically related and so, you don’t need to go through college. However, you will need to be certified to lawfully practice.

You can check it out and see if it’s something you may want to give your shot.

Virtual Assistants

Working as a virtual assistant can make you a lot of money aside from the fact that you may at times have to work from home. It does not require a college degree but does require online courses which go a long way to training you on how to be effective, making you perform efficiently.

Water Transportation Workers

You may be astonished at how many people would rather travel by water than on land or air.

Some do because of the very frustrating traffic in the metropolitan areas, others, for recreational purposes while most, would so travel because of the large number of goods they may have to transport.

For whatever reason, it is water transportation, just like it was in the crude age before the advent of vehicles (which has widely taken over the transportation system), is fast becoming a major and sure means of transportation.

Therefore, being a water transportation worker can be very much rewarding.



From its different professional types of writing, being a writer can earn you a 6 figure income that you may not have imagined.

Yes, you will have to be skilled with your writing techniques but you can make for yourself a name in the writing world which is growing quite fast.

Also, with much practice and a few connections here and there, it is not unusual to earn over $100,000 per year.


A notable mantra we all resounded some years back is, “Education is the key.”

I believe it to hold even today but then, education should not be restricted to only what one receives within the confine of some four-walled room but it should be that much information one can garner and make good use of in the development of oneself and the society at large.

With the rise of the internet, one can get oneself educated on whatever field of interest he chooses without having to visit a college. And there also, are institutions established to provide one with vocational skills and techniques.

Hence, if one has proven oneself to be trained via these means, I believe that getting jobs for improving one’s standard of living should not be difficult. 

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