Integrations That Every Affiliate Tracking Software Must Have…

Like you read in the title of this article, in this post right here I will be walking you through the top integrations that any good affiliate tracking software should fr sure have so that you’ll know and decide what one you’ll want to get and use for yourself…

and yeah if you’re someone that is still wondering what an affiliate tracker is then I would recommend you go and read this article that I did solely aimed at explaining what affiliate tracking software is…

Yeah, so you can go read that if you are yet to understand what affiliate trackers are, how they work, and what exactly they are used for…

but in this particular article, I’ll focus on showing you the top integrations that what one would call an affiliate tracker should have…

Without wasting more time, let’s get started right below:

1. The Traffic Cost Integration:

This is the part of an affiliate tracking software that connects to your traffic source be it google ads, Instagram ads, Facebook ads, youtube ads, native ads straight to the ad tracking platform in such a way that,

you’ll be able to see what parts are working, what parts are not, and then from that information automatically turn on and off the parts you think should keep running and the parts of the ads,

or the particular ads you feel you need to stop running…

and that’s just one of the I affiliate tracking software integrations, the next one is,

2. The Automation RULES Integrations (VERY RARE):

This part of an affiliate tracking software is most times referred to as the IF or THEN part case what that part basically does while interesting into your ad platforms is that you use it to automatically control your ads with the IF or THEN rule…

with the IF or THEN rule you will be able to tell your affiliate tracking software to turn on an advert “IF” the advert does make you profit and “THEN” add more money to the particular advert,

and at the same time, you can also tell it to turn off an advert if the advert isn’t making you profits or isn’t reaching the set target of goals…

and yeah every good affiliate tracking software should definitely have this integration feature enabled on their platform if they really want to get the affiliates that use their platform results…

So yeah, now that we’ve talked about the second integration feature that every good affiliate tracking software should have, we’ll now go ahead and talk about the third one on my list which is,

3. The Bid Changing Integration Feature:

This is the part of an affiliate tracking software that gets itself integrated into your ad platform and when it gets itself integrated what it then does is that it then uses a set of rules that you give to them,

change bids for you through the integrations that it has made to your affiliate platform and yeah, any affiliate tracking software that doesn’t have this feature enabled shouldn’t even be regarded as an affiliate tracker…

and yeah, I wanted to mention that if you’re someone that is in a mix or on the fence and is confused about what particular affiliate tracking software to use for your affiliate marketing campaigns,

then just keep reading because at the ending part o this article I will make sure I give you my biggest recommendation to the affiliate tracking software that I myself personally use as an affiliate marketer to track and optimize my campaigns…

and now that we’ve talked about the third integration feature that I know every affiliate tracking software should have, I will now go ahead and talk about the fourth integration feature on my list right here.

and that would be something called,

4. Custom Alerts Integration Feature:

What this particular integration feature does inside affiliate tracking software is that when it gets into your ad platform despite the one you’re using it then integrates to that and when it does the interactions,

what it does is to automatically send you alerts based on the thing you tell it to send you alerts on and this could be something like,

you telling it to send you an alert whenever it sees that a campaign that is profitable for you starts losing money,

its job is to automatically watch these things and when it fonds something like what you told it to send you notifications about,

it will immediately send you an alert so that you can log in and either correct what is wrong, set what needs to be set or just do the needful…

and yeah, now that we’ve talked about the fourth integration feature that I think every affiliate tracking software should have I will now go ahead and talk about the fifth one on my list right here,

and that one should be something called the,

5. The Campaign Pausing Integration Feature:

This is the integration feature in affiliate tracking software that is or should be responsible for getting integrated into your ad platform so that it will e able to automatically pause campaigns and all,

This particular part in most affiliate tracking software is used to pause campaigns from your tracking software in such a way that you won’t need to login to your ad platform to do it yourself…

a very good example of what I’m talking about here is the fact that when you want to pause and advert or something, you would definitely have to log in to your ad platform be it Facebook ads, google ads, native ads Instagram ads or all, you would have to log in there and click on the pause button on the one you want to pause,

but with this campaign pausing integration you would be alone to just click on the put or turn off button right inside your affiliate tracking software and what that does for you is that cause it is integrated into the ad platform it does it automatically without you having to log in…

and yeah the final thing that I’d mention here is the,

6. Affiliate Network Integration Feature:

and that is the exact one that, should let you get access to the most number of affiliate networks so that you can integrate your affiliate account and track your conversions,

which s why I use and recommend Voluum as what I would consider the best affiliate tracking software because I am someone that has used it and have also used others and Voluum is just the best…

I would recommend you >>CLICK HERE<< to go check out volume and to end this article I feel you should look at the image below to see the affiliate network and ad network platforms that voluum allows you to integrate to.

(I guess that’ll explain why they are the best to you) the image is attached below…

voluum affiliate tracker integrations

with all that said, I’ll have to give this post a bye-bye…

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