How To Make Money As A Blogger On Instagram (a $1000/day guide)

How To Make Money As A Blogger On Instagram

In this article, I will be giving you a $1000/day guide on how to make money as a blogger on Instagram. Well, the thing is, you don’t have to have 100,000 Instagram followers to be considered an influencer on Instagram.

You might find this surprising, but you can have 1000 Instagram followers and be a desirable micro-influencer to various brands who would want to pay you for content.

When we hear the term “influencer” around the social media marketing and blogging community, we might believe that it is someone with an Instagram account of about 100,000 followers or more.

However, a blogger can be an influencer and vice-versa. An influencer on Instagram is someone who shares content online that gets a lot of attention from their followers because they are seen as people who have a unique perspective and insight on a topic. Does this sound familiar?

Most companies and brands always want to get influencers and bloggers on their team as they usually have a hard time doing what an influencer can do in the realm of authenticity.

This is the reason brands often partner with influencers and bloggers for sponsored content all the time. Sponsored posts help brands get their products are seen and get the word out in a more organic fashion, rather than the typical ads and campaigns that brands engage in.

Usually, the larger the Instagram account, the more brands flock around them. However, in recent days, larger Instagram accounts are not the only target for big or small brands.

What brands actually want to see is that your audience has trust in you as an influencer and is willing to regularly engage with you and your content.

How To Make Money As A Blogger On Instagram

There are various ways to make money as a blogger on Instagram.

Sponsored posts

Most bloggers make money from Instagram through sponsored content, ads, affiliate links, etc.

Now that you have known the various ways you can make money as a blogger on Instagram, to consider becoming an influencer for any brand means that you could start looking for various ways to work with these.

However, if taking sponsored posts opportunities interests you, you can rest a bit easy knowing that you have more freedom to be selective about the types of brands you might want to work with on Instagram.

This means that you can be sure that any sponsored content you add on Instagram will add value to your overall content and for your followers.

Also, an added advantage is that it allows you to work with the brands you love in the most creative ways you enjoy.

How To Decide What To Charge As A Blogger

Now that you are aware of the various ways that you can make money as a blogger on Instagram, the next thing on your list should be to decide what to charge as a blogger or influencer on Instagram.

However, before we go right into what to charge, we should establish what making money as a blogger on Instagram involves

● A Photo or Video (an Instagram post, video, or Story)

● Content/Copy

● The potential is that your photo/video will be shared on their website or Instagram account too.

Most times,  sponsored posts by bloggers may involve just one post on Instagram or even a series of posts for the brands that they work with.

For example, if a brand is well known for getting sponsored posts and content from influencers and bloggers, then it shouldn’t be news that they use that content on their Instagram feed as well.

So, for these brands to get a hold of this content, the bloggers get a fee in exchange for that content. Sometimes, a free product or a combination of both a fee and a free product will be used to exchange the content.

It should also be noted that the two are not created equal, especially when you take into consideration the access to your audience that you are going to be providing this brand, and also the fact that you’re potentially establishing a brand presence for the brand on Instagram.

There have been reports of bloggers charging $100 per 1000 followers or $1000 for 100,000 followers, or negotiating from there.

So, it’s typical that between $200 and $400 is the average range for what is now referred to as a “micro-influencer”. This may not always be the case but it gives you an idea of what brands may be willing to pay for your services. However, your charges truly depend on the size of your audience

How To Find Brands To Work With 

Knowing how to make money as a blogger on Instagram can be a walk in the park if you always post consistent content on your account and have a large enough following.

With all of these in place, you have a large likelihood that brands will begin to reach out to you first. However, if this is not the case yet, then that’s not an issue as you can take the time to look for brands to work with as an influencer.

To do this, you should want to search out brands that represent something similar to your brand’s personality and share the same values as you. This will ensure continuity for your brand and that you’re not compromising.

If you are not particular about this, your following will be more than able to see through sponsored content that feels forced or out of place, and this may make you lose some followers.

So, yes, you can reach out to brands directly to pitch an idea or work out some form of a sponsored deal.

Know Your Audience 

Now, before you go into how to charge for your services on Instagram, or how you could work, using your Instagram account, it is important that you first know your audience.

You should understand that your audience and readers are the keys to your success on how to make money as a blogger on Instagram, and that carries through to your social media success as a micro-influencer too.

So, before you go into negotiating your fee for a sponsored post, you should have a good understanding of what your engagement rate is.

To find this on Instagram, you can head to your analytics report. This is important because typically, a brand expects to see your engagement rates before working with you.

The higher your engagement rates, the better. So, for an account with 10,000 followers, you should be getting between 500 to 1000 likes on your posts.

To further that, the number of engaged followers who comment on your posts will also be taken into account.

Another aspect to look into in your quest to know how to make money as a blogger on Instagram is the requirements of sponsored posts on the platform.

The rules vary when it comes to sponsored content on Instagram, but to be on the safe side and respect your audience’s trust, you should ensure that you follow all guidelines laid down. Being as transparent as possible is the best approach.

This means adding the hashtag #ad or #sponsored to indicate sponsored posts, and most influencers go even a step further to be as transparent as possible.

If you are interested in finding examples of how other bloggers and influencers are integrating sponsored content on the platform, simply search for #sponsored on Instagram and you’ll quickly see how it’s being done today.

Instagram has also added a tag for “Paid Partnership with” that easily identifies posts that contain sponsored content. Brands will typically require that you add some of these features to disclose the partnership, but in the event a smaller brand doesn’t, I thought it would be important to mention your responsibilities according to the guidelines.

Requirements To Make Money On Instagram As A Blogger

Now that we’ve covered the most fundamental criteria for monetizing Instagram, let’s move on to the more advanced needs. But how can you get that social reach, gain that influence, and have that high level of engagement?

1. Use the Correct Hashtags


Hashtags are an excellent technique to increase your content’s discoverability and reach. While Instagram enables you to use up to 30 hashtags, I recommend using at least 10-15 for the best results.

However, it’s critical to get your hashtags just right if you want them to have the most impact.

But where do you go for the correct hashtags?

There are a number of hashtag-generating tools available that might help you get started. They may provide you with a list of the most popular hashtags in your niche based on your specialty.

The issue is that there are several hashtag generator tools available. And not all generator tools are genuine. If you’re new to the field, you could find it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

But keep in mind that you shouldn’t use any random hashtags. Use ones that are related to your content and will allow you to reach a larger audience. You are also allowed to be creative and funny with your hashtags.

2. Write a catchy bio

Write a catchy bio

Whether you’re a business or a person attempting to make money on Instagram, you need to post strategically. Your profile bio is important real estate that you may use to entice new visitors.

I recommend that you write a bio that is basic, concise, and possibly quirky. Demonstrate your inventiveness and the value you can provide to them.

3. Be Consistent

You must interact with each other on a frequent basis to maintain any connection. The same idea applies to your Instagram presence.

On a regular basis, you must provide content and interact with your fans. It aids in the establishment of a regular posting schedule. One that corresponds to when your target audience is most likely to use the tool.

The frequency of publishing and engagement rates have a positive link, according to Tailwind. Not only that but the more Instagram posts you make, the larger your audience will become.

Take it to the next level by engaging with your fans in the comment area of each post on a regular basis. This will go a long way toward demonstrating to your followers that you truly care about them.

To maintain track of your following increase and engagement rate, use Instagram analytics tools.

4. Improve the quality of your content

Improving the quality of your material is one of the most essential things you can do to monetize Instagram. There are a lot of content providers out there fighting for your target audience’s attention. So standing out in this sea is more than a challenge.

Always utilize high-resolution photos and avoid making the same product pitches twice. To appear more authentic and interesting, base your descriptions on your actual experiences with brand products.

In order to stand out, you could also consider using video content in the form of Stories or even IGTV.

5. Establish connections with other content creators

Quality content and intriguing captions can only get you so far as an Instagram user who is just starting to monetize the platform. Developing relationships with other content providers in your field is a key part of expanding your reach and impact.

You may always contact them and request a shoutout on one of their social media postings. You may also interact with them and their fans by commenting on their postings. Even better, you may work together with them to generate content.

In addition, you may use influencers to conduct freebies and contests to increase your awareness. Do you need some great Instagram giveaway ideas?

If you do, here are a few other concepts to consider: 

● In the comments area, invite your followers to tag their friends.

● Encourage your followers to like and share your content by encouraging them to do so.

● Request that your followers share a photo of themselves wearing your products.


Are you on a quest to find out how to make money as a blogger on Instagram? Well, look no further as Daniels Hustle has taken the liberty of giving you a step-by-step strategy on how to go about it.

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