How To Get Rich On YouTube ( A $5000 Per Month Guide)

How To Get Rich On YouTube

The YouTube platform is one of the popular places on the net to earn money but not a few know exactly how to get rich on YouTube. Making money from YouTube today is as easy as uploading great contents, amassing millions of views, and earning a share of advertising revenue. Coupled with that, content creators can monetize their content via multiple ways. Aside advertising, this can include corporate sponsorships from a major brand, fan funding, merchandise sales as well as other sources within the YPP.


Every day, an estimated five billion YouTube videos are viewed by the platform’s audience who number well over 2 billion monthly users. YouTube is as popular as ever with an audience spending up to 40 minutes per YouTube session. This essentially provides the perfect blend for both businesses and YouTube content creators to showcase their products.

In this article, I will be showing you tested and trusted ways on how to get rich on YouTube by giving you a guide to a $5000 per month earning target.

How to Get Rich on YouTube

YouTube Logo

In reality, it’s possible to earn hundreds of thousands or even millions per month on YouTube. Many YouTuber wishes to attain these numbers, but let’s focus on the much more attainable target of $5000 per month. This is not to say that some of the tips and insights shared here can’t help you attain higher earnings targets.

There are many factors that determine exactly how much a YouTuber can earn from their content. Many ignore some important processes and just jump right into the content creation and posting stages. To help attain the $5000 target, let’s put you through some optimization techniques:

How to Get Rich on YouTube: Optimization

Create topical videos, as well as evergreen ones

Here is one secret weapon you won’t maximize its potentials. Evergreen content is important in helping you bump up your watch time. Similarly, topical content is crucial if you’re trying to convince people to subscribe.

This is because topical contents need to be consumed right away, or close to it. Contents around the latest soccer game, NBA game, or red-carpet gala are can’t-miss additions and your fans will want to be notified. They are more likely to subscribe.

Manage Ads properly

Earning on YouTube requires you to create unique and useful video content. Depending on the monetization option in play, it also requires you to get your audience to view ads placed in your videos. The downside to this is that a lot of users don’t watch ads on YouTube and many simply skip ads. Sadly, YouTube doesn’t pay for skipped ads.

The quickest way on how to get rich on YouTube is to create compelling useful video content. If you are using ad monetization, then you need to balance the number of ads present in your content. Ideally, YouTube allows for one ad per minute-long video. This implies that for a 10-minute video, you can have 10 ads.

But this isn’t good practice since viewers don’t like having to be interrupted continuously by ads. Danielshustle has figured out through its years of using the platform that has 2-3 ads per 10 minute long video is optimal.

recommended video

The “recommended video” is the most valuable position on YouTube. It is the homepage of the platform. Your video is basically placed in front of a potentially large audience. Any channel appearing on the homepage should expect a significant surge in subscribers, view rate as well as earnings.

Also, the ‘Related videos’ sidebar is another way to drive traffic to your YouTube videos to increase your monthly earnings. These videos appear to viewers because they are similar to the ones they interact with. But they are from creators the viewer isn’t currently subscribed to.

Youtube Related Videos

Getting into any of these two spots is a tough but yet achievable task. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Create interesting titles but avoid using clickbait
  • Optimize your title, tags, and video description for one keyword
  • Consider linking your videos together via overlays or playlists
  • Your thumbnails matter – design them with a book cover in mind
  • Create engaging video content but keep your total video length around 10 minutes

Don’t be eager to send the audience out of the platform, rather focus on keeping viewers around to view and engage videos contents. If you capitalize on that and your videos generate enough sessions, with loads of engagement, YouTube will send you more traffic.

The higher the traffic you can acquire the more chances of earning more depending on your active monetization method.



Quality content drives subscriber numbers as well as traffic to help increase your earnings. If you are thinking about how to get rich on YouTube, developing a strong subscriber base is one way. Subscribing to a YouTube channel is a one-time action and after that, it’s up to you to keep them entertained and informed with quality content.

Building a subscriber base is not easy as it takes time and lots of effort. A new channel if properly managed can grow from zero to 100k subscribers within a year and it can also take longer.

Keeping your subscribers has benefits. Every time you release a new video, your subscribers are notified in the YouTube browser interface. They will also receive a notification on their phone through the YouTube mobile app.

YouTube and Google Organic Search

YouTube organic search uses the same principle as Google search. Needless to say, YouTube is the second biggest search engine, just running shy of her parent company; Google.

To that end, ranking on YouTube can be a good source of targeted traffic to increase your earnings. There are various factors that can help you outrank your competitors:

  • Perform keyword research before creating content.
  • Use the YouTube search autocomplete.
  • Optimize your video description
  • Encourage viewers to subscribe, like, comment, and share your videos.
  • Increase viewer’s session time by engaging them.

Google is the parent company of YouTube so they naturally give it preference in the SERPs for a wide range of keywords. One sure way to drive traffic to your YouTube content is to rank it on Google.

Use other social media

use social media

The possibilities that social media platforms offer are unimaginable. If you can promote your content well on other platforms, then you are sure of more earnings. Share your content on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and others. You can as well embed your content on blog posts.

How to Get Rich on YouTube: The $5,000 per Month Video Contents

YouTube money

The truth is that there are almost infinite ways and formats you can use to create videos on YouTube. But not all formats generate traffic, views and by extension, earnings equally. Your best bet is to create content tailored in a manner that attracts views and engagements.

In general, each of these video formats has the potential to generate substantial traffic for you as a content creator. We have taken the time to discuss just a few formats that have proven to be very useful and successful over the years on YouTube.

How-to videos

Make Money on Youtube

This type of video is the perfect example of videos that can be informative and educative as well as serving as means of recommending products.

With videos like this, content creators can easily place ads from AdSense on YouTube in their videos. The best part is ads are easily relevant to this content type and can rake in a decent amount of ads view revenue. Let’s face it; many people go to YouTube to learn how to use various products. And since you can show them this, why not add free relevant ads to make some cool cash for yourself.

Viewers of How-to guides consider the presenter as an expert on the product, who is offering insightful information that is valuable to the audience.

Product Review Videos

Product Review Videos

Statistically, 62% of consumers reportedly watch reviews online every single time they make a purchase. Also, 52% of customers are prone to purchase a product that has been featured in a YouTube product review video.

This simply translates to lots of viewers potentially watching your video for insightful information. This in turn increases your chances of earning and getting to your target goal of $5000 a month. Product review video contents rake in a high and healthy dose of engagement and views.

Sports and Entertainment

the sports niche has the potential to get you rich on YouTube

Sports and entertainment channels are one of the biggest earners of ad revenue on YouTube. It also is one of the front runners in the merchandise sales segment. Many users of YouTube use the platform to catch up on missed moments on a sporting event or an entertainment show.

It becomes easy to monetize such channels since you are guaranteed a steady flow of audience views. The only challenge is getting your channel upfront. This is because competition is high as many channels promote sports or entertainment-related content.

Unboxing Videos

the unboxing niche

Next to product reviews are user experience and unboxing videos. This type of content simply documents how other users felt when they received their product. For YouTubers with active affiliate marketing monetization, it is regarded as one of the simplest content to create.

It entails an affiliate literally removing a product from its packaging and explaining to the audience what they encounter as they unbox. Keep in mind that users often view new products from a highly choreographed marketing advert. An unboxing video offers users to view such a product without the effects of marketing appeals.

The affiliate is just like everyone else. Only this time, they share their experience and excitement with millions of viewers. By creating unboxing videos, you can appeal to the physic of viewers and inspire them to purchase the product. It brings along an element of excitement and a positive vibe when done in an entertaining manner.

Gear lists

gear list

Gear list videos are an interesting way of retaining the audience’s attention to see what the next major product will be throughout the whole clip. Just imagine turning into the video the contents on websites such as Wirecutter or The Strategist.

Another plus side to this format is that it allows for the promotion of a number of items in one video. It serves as an all-in-one list of recommended products for a specific topic in one video. Talk about optimizing your content!

Similarly, you can create roundup review posts of your gear list. You could just as easily do round-up videos on other popular niches. The key is to be an expert in whatever niche you chose.


food and cooking niche

Everybody eats, so naturally, people are always searching for information pertaining to food or cooking. The channels operating in this niche are all about eating, cooking, and tasting weird foreign foods. Not only are they extremely useful, they can also be very entertaining in most cases.

This niche is extremely populated with seasoned professionals such as superstar chefs such as Jamie Oliver and amateurs who are looking for awesome new recipes. A good sub-niche of this is its food-related “reaction” channels and videos. This is humor added to eating for those looking for a hearty laugh relating to food.


beauty and fashion niche

This is probably one of the largest YouTube communities today, with thousands of big and small creators showcasing their amazing talent. This niche includes anything related to beauty, style, and fashion: from clothing to make-up hauls and reviews to first impressions, hair care and skin care. Creators in this niche are some of the biggest online influencers today and are celebrities by their own merit.


The YouTube platform is making video content more popular and content creators are bound to earn some cash from sharing their content on the platform. this piece has shown the many ways on how to get rich on YouTube.

Presently, it makes total sense to start a YouTube channel and earn from it. Thankfully, video content on YouTube can be repurposed for other social media use as well as for blog posts. This helps you diversify your monetization and gives you adequate control over your earnings.

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